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shikamaru317 said:
Angelus said:

Wait when did Ori get delayed into next year? 

It was never 2018, had no date at it's reveal. Could go either way, but considering it took Moon Studios 4 years to make Ori 1, and the fact that Ori 2 only entered development in 2016, I have a feeling it'll be Q1 2019 at the earliest. 

Oh....I just had it in my head it was supposed to release this year for some reason. I really despise how early publishers announce games that are nowhere near release.

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shikamaru317 said:
Angelus said:

Oh....I just had it in my head it was supposed to release this year for some reason. I really despise how early publishers announce games that are nowhere near release.

Yeah, I hate it too. I would rather they had saved Ori 2 for this E3. It's a shame more publishers aren't like Bethesda, I loved that 6 month announcement to release window for Fallout 4. Hopefully they do that again this year when they announce Starfield at E3, would be dope if it released in November (especially since November is dead this year thanks to all the publishers wanting to get their releases in before RDR2 in October). 

Ya, what Bethesda did there should really be the blueprint for everyone tbh. Perhaps not necessarily for new IP and/or smaller games, that need to generate more awareness prior to release, but for bigger games in established franchises.....unquestionably. By and large, I'd say anything announced over a year prior to release, was announced too early.

It annoys the hella out of me that so many people that probably never played Halo 5 act like the game is a stain to the series. Any AAA game nowadays with a 85 meta is a great game. If 343 went out and made a new AAA ip with an 85 people would be ecstatic not angry.

Also I don’t think the showtime halo series is just another tie in for a future game. Forward unto dawn and nightfall where very low budget straight to sci-fi channel products, that where really just promos for 4 n 5. This is definitely different. This show might cost more to make than halo 6. This series is not a response to halo 6 it’s a response to game of thrones. So thus it won’t necessarily be tied to releasing at the same time. It definitely won’t just be a tool to flesh out h6 characters/lore.

Halo MCC will sell 5+ million copies(including digital)

halo 5 will sell 10 million copies(including digital)

x1 will pass ps4 in USA, and UK.

So I see that some of you guys don’t like the idea of a multiplayer spinoff for halo, and a survival horror gears. To me those both sound perfect besides wanting a halo style rpg.

- firstly the latest update on the halo spinoff. Someone on resetera said they thought it would be a mix of warzone and battlefield. Leaker said that’s getting close. Someone also asked Frankie some time ago on twitter to describe a map in the the next halo in one word. He said capacious.
I’m personally hoping for a third person shooter ODST shooter with classes and progression. Gameplay with similar feel of uncharted 2(pre game ruining update) or similar to the division. I would expect very large maps. Perhaps the size battlefields ones bigger maps maybe even bigger. I expect this to launch later this year only with 4-5 maps but at 30$.

For gears I expect something similar to dead space. Ive become so bored with gears single player. Not only does it make sense for gears but it’s also a genre Microsoft has not tapped into at all.

Halo MCC will sell 5+ million copies(including digital)

halo 5 will sell 10 million copies(including digital)

x1 will pass ps4 in USA, and UK.

It's just that I've never been a fan of survival horror. Aren't those games where you are constantly running out of ammo while slowly walking through dark environments and facing only a small number of overpowered enemies and you're better off avoiding any fighting? That shit just doesn't sound like Gears at all :P But who knows, maybe it'll be good.

I'd just prefer a multiplayer based Gears game built over Overrun concept. That was such a great mode and had tons of people playing. There will be so many BR games so I think they could make it a next big thing. Make it f2p and watch it being the most played game on Xbox.

MP spinoff for Halo sounds great to me. I've been burnt out by single-player games lately, playing with other people is just much more fun.

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A bit late but gaming summary for March:

Cars 3: Driven to Win - 20 achievements / 910G

Gears of War 4 - 4 achievements / 170G

Super Lucky's Tale - 14 achievements / 315G

Sea of Thieves - 15 achievements / 150G

Final Fantasy XV - 8 achievements / 120G

Halo Wars 2 - 12 achievements / 110G

Forza Motorsport 7 - 7 achievements / 70G

= 1845G

I'll probs spend this month playing mostly PES, SoT and online shooters.

Damn I really wanted a Story based Halo spinoff :(

iceland said:
Damn I really wanted a Story based Halo spinoff :(

I believe that 343 are ultimately still trying to find their way of evolving the core Halo gameplay loop for a new generation, and they are (rightfully) nervous about experimenting too much with it in the main titles, because they fear fan backlash. It can be very restrictive working with such a well established franchise, where all it's fans have such strong views on what defines series. Going into the spin off realm lets you get a little bit more crazy without everyone going apeshit. So it makes sense to me if that's what they're doing.


That said, I personally was also hoping for a more narrative driven game. There's so much potential for storytelling in the Halo a damn shame to never explore it more deeply in the games.

Forza Horizon 4 has been officially confirmed for E3 2018 by Microsoft Spain/Portugal.

Not the biggest surprise but great news nonetheless. Forza Horizon 3 is so good. Best XB1 exclusive imo.

iceland said:
Damn I really wanted a Story based Halo spinoff :(

The core gameplay loop was solid, but the single player was weak. They obviously needed time to innovate for the sp and make it amazing. But as far as mp goes the core loop has been set thus probably only needing half the time to get it down. So when u need 4-5 years for the single player but only 2.5 yrs for the mp what’s the fix. Have half ur mp team work on a spinoff first while all the campaign devs are hammering away on 6.

Halo MCC will sell 5+ million copies(including digital)

halo 5 will sell 10 million copies(including digital)

x1 will pass ps4 in USA, and UK.