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Forums - Sony Discussion - PlayStation @E3 2015 We got FFVII remake, Shenmue III & The Last Guardian, E3's Over Go Home


My favorite part about the conference was...

...The Last Guardian! 17 14.66%
...Horizon! 20 17.24%
...Hitman! 0 0%
...Final Fantasy VII Remake! 50 43.10%
...Call of Duty: Black Ops III! 1 0.86%
...Firewatch! 0 0%
...Dreams! 1 0.86%
...Shenmue III!!! 15 12.93%
...Star Wars: Battlefrond! 2 1.72%
...Uncharted 4! 10 8.62%

LG and that new IP look good.

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Time for Sony moneyhating exclusive content and time...

dont get the hype for tlg but alot of others like it so it good for sony that the project is still alive, idk that 2016 release date left a sour taste in my mouth and im not a even a fan

and again with horizon not my type of game but i feel GG will have better results with it than they did with KZ


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DerNebel said:
Goddammit how is Sony going to keep up with that start?

I don't think they can.... Probably all down hill from here after seeing Horizon. New Santa Monica game from Cory maybe? Surely they didn't blow the biggest loads on the first two games. XD

4 ≈ One

finalrpgfantasy said:
So, Hitman it's console exclusive?

No, only the beta.

Around the Network

Alright, No Man's Sky.

I'm so excited for this game!

"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."

Horizon looks freakin' awesome! Pretty damn cool Hitman trailer as well.

more gameplay, as I like it.

that was it for SF?

No mans sky annoys me cause they show it at every conference...


NNID: FrequentFlyer54