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Forums - Sony Discussion - PlayStation @E3 2015 We got FFVII remake, Shenmue III & The Last Guardian, E3's Over Go Home


My favorite part about the conference was...

...The Last Guardian! 17 14.66%
...Horizon! 20 17.24%
...Hitman! 0 0%
...Final Fantasy VII Remake! 50 43.10%
...Call of Duty: Black Ops III! 1 0.86%
...Firewatch! 0 0%
...Dreams! 1 0.86%
...Shenmue III!!! 15 12.93%
...Star Wars: Battlefrond! 2 1.72%
...Uncharted 4! 10 8.62%
poklane said:

Protected tweet, what does it say?

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DerNebel said:
poklane said:

Protected tweet, what does it say?

He produces moving pictures, art and stuff for SCEA. What the tweet said: ''Megaton inbound. Godspeed''

poklane said:
DerNebel said:
poklane said:

Protected tweet, what does it say?

He produces moving pictures, art and stuff for SCEA. What the tweet said: ''Megaton inbound. Godspeed''

This wait is killing me...I want that MEGATON!!!

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

Some insider says TLG is coming in 2015.

Their inside sources said : "The games is in QA Test phase since three month in Japan Studio for a release in late 2015 . Mark Cerny works as a 'Closer' on the project."

poklane said:
So what do you guys think Sony will open and close with? My guess: they'll open with Project Horizon and close with The Last Guardian.

I believe they'll open with Uncharted 4 and close with Naughty Dog's new game (if there is one).

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I can see it being a live demo with Morpheus.

Roronaa_chan said:

Some insider says TLG is coming in 2015.

Their inside sources said : "The games is in QA Test phase since three month in Japan Studio for a release in late 2015 . Mark Cerny works as a 'Closer' on the project."

That would literally blow up the internet.

Roronaa_chan said:
If TLG finally shows up, are you ready for it to be the most hated game of 2015? Cause you know the other camps will be too jealous of it stealing all the media attention from everyone else.

I think you're right XD

After more awesome details about "Horizon" leaked and it seems more and more likely that the announcement is just around the corner, some people have turned up a notch for that hot and hateful stream of downplay. I don't quite get it.

Mike_L said:
Roronaa_chan said:
If TLG finally shows up, are you ready for it to be the most hated game of 2015? Cause you know the other camps will be too jealous of it stealing all the media attention from everyone else.

I think you're right XD

After more awesome details about "Horizon" leaked and it seems more and more likely that the announcement is just around the corner, some people have turned up a notch for that hot and hateful stream of downplay. I don't quite get it.

I don't think you heard the news: Halo > anything Sony has ever... and will ever release. 

The man himself, Yu Suzuki is attending this years E3 the first time in quite a long time.

I doubt Shenmue III will ever happen (I really don't care not a fan of the series) but there is a change of maybe Sony teaming up with the legendary game designer, after all some of the people in charge are good friends with him such as Mark "TLG Savior" Cerny.

And Shu himself.

Both these pictures are less than 2 years old btw.