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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Wii U version of Project CARS facing troubles, likely cancelled

DonFerrari said:
It baffles me how people think developers purpousely make decisions to lose money. If they ax the game the most plausible explanation is that it wouldn't make roi. So suck it up or ask Nintendo to pressure, support or fund the port. MS gone to battle to diminish the gap to ps4, while Nintendo keeps scratching and fans complains of devs.

You're better than this! Why would you come between people and their selfless moanings against a company making a commercial decision? :P

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.

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Don't have any stakes in this topic whatsoever (I think no-combat racing games are boring & have no Wii-U), but I do want to defend Kickstarter here. The buyer....rather, THE INVESTOR, should be wary of any and all projects that seem to be over-promising (in this case, promising a miracle). Remember you aren't preordering a product, regardless of the various rewards promised. Stick to projects with realistic goals in mind, preferably those with playable demos or with a proven dev team. If any part seems a bit lacking, or the dev team has a known diva on board, hold on to your money.

manny10032 said:
the_dengle said:







Guess no one heard you but me

So did I.

I won't lie, I'm only quoting you so that his comment gets more visibility. Funny that the ones accusing the devs of lying, are basically the ones spreading a lie.

Hynad said:
manny10032 said:

Guess no one heard you but me

So did I.

I won't lie, I'm only quoting you so that his comment gets more visibility. Funny that the ones accusing the devs of lying, are basically the ones spreading a lie.

I have never said anything about a kickstarter, read my comments.

im curious to know how the game was actually funded? And how much people here actually put money up?

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Vaporware confirmed!

Too bad I was waiting a long time for this....

MikeRox said:
DonFerrari said:
It baffles me how people think developers purpousely make decisions to lose money. If they ax the game the most plausible explanation is that it wouldn't make roi. So suck it up or ask Nintendo to pressure, support or fund the port. MS gone to battle to diminish the gap to ps4, while Nintendo keeps scratching and fans complains of devs.

You're better than this! Why would you come between people and their selfless moanings against a company making a commercial decision? :P

Sorry for that, I'll try to be more mature and demand that devs choose to lose money to satisfy my necessities...

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

A couple previous interviews make this kind of confusing. Either they are straight-up lying or were using much more powerful devkits and never testing actual hardware or something.

“No, if anything I think it’ll showcase the hidden power that the Wii U has. There’s no equivalent of Project CARS on Wii U, yet we hear the shouts from Nintendo fans loud and clear that they can’t wait to get their hands on this kind of experience so we hope to make them proud with the quality of the visuals.

“Sure there are maybe more stringent technical constraints but the same core experience will remain, plus additional features that take advantage of the controller’s unique second screen and touch interface.”

[/quote]I literally just had a blast racing around one of our tracks in the rain (the most graphically-intensive weather setting) and it held up pretty damn well. Of course there are optimisations still to be done but side-by-side, the Wii U version we have running in the studio is extremely promising. [,,,] Every screenshot or video you’ve seen from Project CARS so far has been taken by an actual player – any one of our WMD community members. So there should be trust already that what you see on websites or on YouTube is actually what you’re going to see in the game. There are no plans to abuse that trust when it comes to the Wii U version.[/quote]

Speculation here, but maybe they made a game in Unity for Xbone/PS4/PC, then lied in a bunch of interviews about the Wii U version being worked on. After releasing it on PC/PS4/Xbone, they started by porting it to Wii U and found that on low settings, it gets 23 FPS. They probably just don't want to put any real money or time into it.

Even if they weren't lying back then, it looks like they were now.

RushJet1 on: 




oh they were def BSing. Some people suspected they were. This reminds me alot of the Conduit except at least they put that game out.

Nintendo isn't going to fast-track the reveal of the NX just for this game. If the developers decide to postpone this game until NX then the game will just sit on the backburner for a couple of years and eventually get cancelled when nobody cares about it anymore.

23FPS may not be too far from playable for a racing simulator game. A game like Project Cars probably won't have big framerate dips like a FPS games would have. If they can get it to 30, I'm sure that the gameplay would be extremely playable.

The developers should just be honest and port the game to the Wii U with some particles and effects turned off, They can focus their efforts on making the controls nice and responsive on the gamepad instead of going for realism. I think an ugly port of Project Cars will do less damage to the reputation of these developers then if they were to betray Wii U owners by not porting this game.