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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo @ E3 '15: Our Muppet Bodies Weren't Ready


Is Your Body Ready?

Yes. 40 24.39%
No. 14 8.54%
Not my problem. 12 7.32%
I feel like a Purple Pikmin. 16 9.76%
Hey Bill, you're Fired. 23 14.02%
What's wrong with you? 8 4.88%
I'm about kickin' ass. 6 3.66%
I'm about takin' names. 3 1.83%
My body is Reggie. 42 25.61%

OKay seriously... Mario Maker is freaking amazing!

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Around the Network

Marry me, John! XD

"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."

Ok, this is one of my main games I want this year now! This, Xenoblade, and Star Fox make up of Zelda!

Mario maker and those stages are epic. Hope they'll add a lot of pre-built stages.

Rooting for John.

Mario Maker has so much potential.

Around the Network

So uh... Cosmo... :(

Super Mario Maker is so epic all of a sudden. I was hyped before, but now I really want it!

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread



"Just for comparison Uncharted 4 was 20x bigger than Splatoon 2. This shows the huge difference between Sony's first-party games and Nintendo's first-party games."

this is so fucking good!

yeah cosmo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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