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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo @ E3 '15: Our Muppet Bodies Weren't Ready


Is Your Body Ready?

Yes. 40 24.39%
No. 14 8.54%
Not my problem. 12 7.32%
I feel like a Purple Pikmin. 16 9.76%
Hey Bill, you're Fired. 23 14.02%
What's wrong with you? 8 4.88%
I'm about kickin' ass. 6 3.66%
I'm about takin' names. 3 1.83%
My body is Reggie. 42 25.61%
Smeags said:
There were some great stories that you all shared with us.

From Impertinence's Punch-Out!! victory, to Morenoingrato's "N64 Kid" moment (Video video video!), to S.Peelman's awesome family story around Mario Kart 64, to Temporary_126's epic shenanigans in NBA Street (we'll count it! :P), and Eva's first encounter with these fabled "video games"... and everything in between! I really enjoyed reading these awesome Nintendo-inspired moments. So thanks for that guys.

The choice was tough, but then it became a lot less tough when I realized that S.Peelman is from the Netherlands so I can't give him the prize anyways (still an awesome story though!).

So the winner is... Impertinence for his victory over Mike Tyson! Congratulations Impertinence and I'll send you the PM ASAP. ^_^

Thanks for counting my story! And congrats Impertinence! This contest was really fun!

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I WIN!!!

Thanks for picking my story, beating Mike Tyson is the pinnacle of my gaming success, nothing before or after has been close to that difficult. It's humbling to see the other great stories people have posted, and it's great to be reminded just how giving this hobby can be at it's best.

As for the poll. man... difficult to pick one. I voted Animal Crossing U, but I would be above the moon if they show a new Punch Out (for obvious reason), Endless Ocean or a new 3D Mario game. These are good times if you like Nintendo games!

Smeags said:
There were some great stories that you all shared with us.

From Impertinence's Punch-Out!! victory, to Morenoingrato's "N64 Kid" moment (Video video video!), to S.Peelman's awesome family story around Mario Kart 64, to Temporary_126's epic shenanigans in NBA Street (we'll count it! :P), and Eva's first encounter with these fabled "video games"... and everything in between! I really enjoyed reading these awesome Nintendo-inspired moments. So thanks for that guys.

The choice was tough, but then it became a lot less tough when I realized that S.Peelman is from the Netherlands so I can't give him the prize anyways (still an awesome story though!).

So the winner is... Impertinence for his victory over Mike Tyson! Congratulations Impertinence and I'll send you the PM ASAP. ^_^

Lol, thanks for liking my story. But yeah, I wasn't eligible for your prize, doesn't really matter anyway, I just like to share these things, and read the stories of others .

Congrats Impertinence, was a fun read indeed!


EDIT: @poll: 3D Mario, I would be very happy. Not expecting it really, I guess they'll have at the NX launch instead. It's between it and Metroid, but I'm secretly anticipating a Metroid reveal, so Mario it is for this poll.

Smeags said:

*south hall*

Floor plans.

I remember Nintendo's section being pretty similar last year. Still interesting nonetheless.

Yes, last year Nintendo had the same booths

@Hynad: They did the same mistake last year

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

The first showfloor plans actually showed Nintendo having a booth for meetings. Either it's out or that really isn't the final plan.

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Will we see on E3 something announced on today's Direct?

You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.

Darwinianevolution said:
Will we see on E3 something announced on today's Direct?

Looking at what was on there...unlikely. One thing I do expect to be announced at E3 is Pokemon Z though, thought that might have been shown today. 


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Conegamer said:
Darwinianevolution said:
Will we see on E3 something announced on today's Direct?

Looking at what was on there...unlikely. One thing I do expect to be announced at E3 is Pokemon Z though, thought that might have been shown today. 

Super mystery dungeon is the holiday title for 3DS. I'm pretty sure we wont be getting a mainstory pokemon game this year.

Follow my Gaming and Graphics Business on facebook and on Twitter:

uran10 said:
Conegamer said:
Darwinianevolution said:
Will we see on E3 something announced on today's Direct?

Looking at what was on there...unlikely. One thing I do expect to be announced at E3 is Pokemon Z though, thought that might have been shown today. 

Super mystery dungeon is the holiday title for 3DS. I'm pretty sure we wont be getting a mainstory pokemon game this year.

Yes. I don't think we'll see another mainline pokemon game on the 3DS. They are probably trying to get the 7th gen on their new system as soon as possible, to get as much hardware sales as soon as possible.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.

IMPORTANT: The eShop codes will only work in North and South America, excluding Brazil. Sorry folks.

# The Task The Date The Prize The Winner
2 Post your favorite Nintendo themed GIF! 5/31-6/2 Guacamelee (Wii U) ???

Let the contest begin!