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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Witcher 3 - Out Now! Impressions?

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Excellent! 254 42.62%
Great! 71 11.91%
Good 32 5.37%
It's OK 32 5.37%
Eh... 13 2.18%
No thanks 20 3.36%
Get this thing out of here! 7 1.17%
See results 164 27.52%
ClassicGamingWizzz said:
Now on topic, i am starting the isle of mists quests, am i almost finishing ? wtc i am level 26 and i fear i will finish the game without seeing the mastercraft gear :(

Nothing to fear, still a lot of content afterwards. And youll have enough time to get all the gear.

I predict that the Wii U will sell a total of 18 million units in its lifetime. 

The NX will be a 900p machine

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ClassicGamingWizzz said:
Now on topic, i am starting the isle of mists quests, am i almost finishing ? wtc i am level 26 and i fear i will finish the game without seeing the mastercraft gear :(

If you haven't found Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs than no worries, at least 10 hours of playing ;)

ClassicGamingWizzz said:
SubiyaCryolite said:

Nothing to fear, still a lot of content afterwards. And youll have enough time to get all the gear.

AH good to know , that bear gear is so awsome, griffin is my least favourite because of the big belly  xD

Kat gear looks goot to, especially master. Still sad, that first armor can be upgraded only once...

ClassicGamingWizzz said:
tivec said:

If you haven't found Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs than no worries, at least 10 hours of playing ;)

10 hours for some people is like 30 hours to me , and i found 2 dwarfs locked in a house already :P

I found The crafting system pretty useless :o I finished the game last nigth I would say after 70h of play maybe on the hardess, I did much of the oil. But the gears and sword tho ... 

I didn't found the need to upgrade it ... I finished the game lvl 39 with nothing more the lvl 23 gear some even 16 (50% of the school gear cannot be done because somewhere I hadnt got one of them. The crafting was just awful to do and boring :|. And I love crafting in game. and the boat the awful awful boat transport ..... well everything with water was awful.

I will say, at the last 10 hours I was really pissed about the game. I think the game was really too long with useless stuff. I reached the point of too much is the the same of too less.

dane007 said:
cannonballZ said:
There are so many stupid bugs in this game, it's starting to get really fucking annoying. Not only do I have to deal with this stupid game crashing at least 3x a day, now it's putting missions I've already completed successfully into the failed missions section. When you check the mission, which I am certain I completed successfully, it shows all green check marks.

F.U. CDPR. As much as I like this game, it's a broken mess. I don't know why they didn't just delay a bit more.

what platform are you playing on ? i havent had any bugs or crashes on pc so far in 24hrs i have played

PS4. The updates fixed a few problems and gave us others. The frame rate is pretty shit now, it stutters more often than before. I don't know what they thought they did to fix the swimming 'cause swimming is still has shit controls and movement.

I like the game, a lot. I have over 200 hours, have completed over 160 missions. But I now fear losing progress all the time. I save every few minutes to make sure I can at least continue from a nearby point. If this game wasn't so broken, it would be a 10/10 in my book. 

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MoiseHnkel said:
ClassicGamingWizzz said:

10 hours for some people is like 30 hours to me , and i found 2 dwarfs locked in a house already :P

I found The crafting system pretty useless :o I finished the game last nigth I would say after 70h of play maybe on the hardess, I did much of the oil. But the gears and sword tho ... 

I didn't found the need to upgrade it ... I finished the game lvl 39 with nothing more the lvl 23 gear some even 16 (50% of the school gear cannot be done because somewhere I hadnt got one of them. The crafting was just awful to do and boring :|. And I love crafting in game. and the boat the awful awful boat transport ..... well everything with water was awful.

I will say, at the last 10 hours I was really pissed about the game. I think the game was really too long with useless stuff. I reached the point of too much is the the same of too less.

Tbh last 10h of game I was at speedrun. But not because I was bored of game, but I couldn't wait to find out how Ciri's and Geralt's thread will end. 
I am big fan of Witcher sage (played all games and read every book) so probably because of this I was is such a hurry.

Now I have to wait a bit and start this great story all over again xD

MoiseHnkel said:
ClassicGamingWizzz said:

10 hours for some people is like 30 hours to me , and i found 2 dwarfs locked in a house already :P

I found The crafting system pretty useless :o I finished the game last nigth I would say after 70h of play maybe on the hardess, I did much of the oil. But the gears and sword tho ... 

I didn't found the need to upgrade it ... I finished the game lvl 39 with nothing more the lvl 23 gear some even 16 (50% of the school gear cannot be done because somewhere I hadnt got one of them. The crafting was just awful to do and boring :|. And I love crafting in game. and the boat the awful awful boat transport ..... well everything with water was awful.

I will say, at the last 10 hours I was really pissed about the game. I think the game was really too long with useless stuff. I reached the point of too much is the the same of too less.

Tbh last 10h of game I was at speedrun. But not because I was bored of game, but I couldn't wait to find out how Ciri's and Geralt's thread will end. 
I am big fan of Witcher sage (played all games and read every book) so probably because of this I was is such a hurry.

Now I have to wait a bit and start this great story all over again xD

cannonballZ said:
dane007 said:

what platform are you playing on ? i havent had any bugs or crashes on pc so far in 24hrs i have played

PS4. The updates fixed a few problems and gave us others. The frame rate is pretty shit now, it stutters more often than before. I don't know what they thought they did to fix the swimming 'cause swimming is still has shit controls and movement.

I like the game, a lot. I have over 200 hours, have completed over 160 missions. But I now fear losing progress all the time. I save every few minutes to make sure I can at least continue from a nearby point. If this game wasn't so broken, it would be a 10/10 in my book. 

It was supposed to run better yet I haven't noticed any difference in performance, I do get this stuff all the time now

I'm currently doing the treasure hunts in Velen, the game runs a lot better outside Novigrad despite the much longer draw distance.
I have sadly given in to fast travel, the horse getting stuck on fences and other objects all the time, refusing to cross a simple moat or go down an incline was getting on my nerves. As with verything else in the game, some of the treasure hunts are great, eg exploring below temple isle, and then there are many more that are boring fetch quests, go here, spot the chest. All the great stuff is diluted with busy work and you can't tell what's which until you do it. That brings the entire game down a notch for me, even if it was working flawlessly I would not give it a 10.

SvennoJ said:

It was supposed to run better yet I haven't noticed any difference in performance, I do get this stuff all the time now

I'm currently doing the treasure hunts in Velen, the game runs a lot better outside Novigrad despite the much longer draw distance.
I have sadly given in to fast travel, the horse getting stuck on fences and other objects all the time, refusing to cross a simple moat or go down an incline was getting on my nerves. As with verything else in the game, some of the treasure hunts are great, eg exploring below temple isle, and then there are many more that are boring fetch quests, go here, spot the chest. All the great stuff is diluted with busy work and you can't tell what's which until you do it. That brings the entire game down a notch for me, even if it was working flawlessly I would not give it a 10.

Yea, I really hate the horse. Even when just holding x so that it controls itself running down a road the damn horse often runs into trees and other stupid things and comes to a complete halt. It just pisses me off. 

A few months ago someone made fun of Nintendo bragging about Eponas auto dodge tree mechanic for the new Zelda. I pointed out a few games that have horses that run into random stuff, he couldn't think of any. He can now add Witcher 3 to that list of games with stupider horses than Epona.

cannonballZ said:

Yea, I really hate the horse. Even when just holding x so that it controls itself running down a road the damn horse often runs into trees and other stupid things and comes to a complete halt. It just pisses me off. 

A few months ago someone made fun of Nintendo bragging about Eponas auto dodge tree mechanic for the new Zelda. I pointed out a few games that have horses that run into random stuff, he couldn't think of any. He can now add Witcher 3 to that list of games with stupider horses than Epona.

Well, with that amount of trees in Witcher 3 it's wonder poor bugger wants to run at all once you get into woods.

But yeah, he really gets stuck sometimes, and sometimes he's behaving bit too much like real horse (not wanting to go down steep hills), but I'm guessing they made him that way.

On the other hand, I find him very usefull, Nekker Warrior Decoction gives one helluva way to run into strongest of enemies a lot higher than you.