SvennoJ said:
It was supposed to run better yet I haven't noticed any difference in performance, I do get this stuff all the time now

I'm currently doing the treasure hunts in Velen, the game runs a lot better outside Novigrad despite the much longer draw distance. I have sadly given in to fast travel, the horse getting stuck on fences and other objects all the time, refusing to cross a simple moat or go down an incline was getting on my nerves. As with verything else in the game, some of the treasure hunts are great, eg exploring below temple isle, and then there are many more that are boring fetch quests, go here, spot the chest. All the great stuff is diluted with busy work and you can't tell what's which until you do it. That brings the entire game down a notch for me, even if it was working flawlessly I would not give it a 10.
Yea, I really hate the horse. Even when just holding x so that it controls itself running down a road the damn horse often runs into trees and other stupid things and comes to a complete halt. It just pisses me off.
A few months ago someone made fun of Nintendo bragging about Eponas auto dodge tree mechanic for the new Zelda. I pointed out a few games that have horses that run into random stuff, he couldn't think of any. He can now add Witcher 3 to that list of games with stupider horses than Epona.