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Rate Platina's Reign

10 15 62.50%
9 3 12.50%
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6 1 4.17%
5 3 12.50%
4 1 4.17%
3 0 0%
2 0 0%
1 1 4.17%
Jranation said:
Platina said:

I don't use the 3D feature (have both the standard 3DS and n3DS) for either systems, but it's definitely fun to see the 3D for the n3DS. I like to rotate it back and forth to see it track my head :p

Not a big difference (or none at all) in terms of 3D depth, but it's definitely more stable, as you don't have to hold the 3ds in the sweet spot at all times.

I still get dizzy looking at the 3D too long though, but that's due to the 3D mechanic as a whole and due to the fact that I get dizzy easily :p

Oh okay. Because i do like the 3D. Like i dont think there was any game which made me dizzy or makes my head hurt, probably the first time i tried it did but i think im used to it now. If its just the tracking thats improved i guess i dont have to buy one. Especially how most of my games lets me hold the 3DS still. 

I don't think a n3DS purchase should be based mainly on the 3D though, because all of the new features added is definitely really nice.. Faster loading times is a lot faster, for saving, loading and running applications.

Not too many games have use for the additional buttons, but and Amiibo functionality is pretty neat

But then again, if you have  a perfectly fine 3DS, then there isn't such a big need to upgrade :p

NintenDomination [May 2015 - July 2017]

  - Official  VGChartz Tutorial Thread - 

NintenDomination [2015/05/19 - 2017/07/02]




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Luke888 said:

after 3 years do you feel satisfied with your purchase ? If not what games would/will do so ?

I like it more than the Wii, but not as much as the GameCube.

Most of the games are my favourites in their respective series with the exceptions of Smash Bros. and 2D Mario (but both are better than the Wii games).

And I'd buy one nowadays for Splatoon alone, but that's only me.

I missed a Fire Emblem game and I'm still dreaming of a sidescrolling Metroid that looks like this:

GameXplain's XCX review, seems like they really liked the game :)


NNID: b00moscone

Switch ID: SW-5475-6755-1986

3DS friend-Code: 4613-6380-5406

PSN: b00mosconi

b00moscone said:

GameXplain's XCX review, seems like they really liked the game :)

Because we needed to wait for a review to know how much they enjoyed it

Xenoblade X is at 84 Meta... lower than I expected

NintenDomination [May 2015 - July 2017]

  - Official  VGChartz Tutorial Thread - 

NintenDomination [2015/05/19 - 2017/07/02]




Here lies the hidden threads. 

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[3DS] Winter Playtimes [Wii U]

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Looks like Nintendo is going to make a Mario kart 8 live competition in Disney XD.Nice marketing move

My (locked) thread about how difficulty should be a decision for the developers, not the gamers.

episteme said:
Luke888 said:

after 3 years do you feel satisfied with your purchase ? If not what games would/will do so ?

I liked it more than the Wii, but not as much as the GameCube.

Most of the games are my favourites in their respective series with the exceptions of Smash Bros. and 2D Mario (but both are better than the Wii games).

And I'd buy one nowadays for Splatoon alone, but that's only me.

I missed a Fire Emblem game and I'm still dreaming of a sidescrolling Metroid that looks like this:

So your favorite Smash is Melee? Where does Mario Maker rank in your 2D Mario list? And where did you find this Metroid image?!?" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">

3DS: tolu619

Wii U: FoyehBoys

Vita, PS3 and PS4: FoyehBoys

XBoxOne: Tolu619

Switch: Tolu619

Kugali - We publish comics from all across Africa and the diaspora, and we also push the boundaries of Augmented Reality storytelling. Check us out!

My thread for teaching VGC some Nigerian slangs

tolu619 said:

So your favorite Smash is Melee? Where does Mario Maker rank in your 2D Mario list? And where did you find this Metroid image?!?

Yes, Melee is my favourite, I played it hundreds of hours with school mates. But that also means that I can't really compare it with Smash 4 in a fair way.

I can't rank SMM in a 2D Mario list because it's an editor. My favourites are Super Mario World and Super Mario Bros. 3. NSMBU is the best of the NSMB games. Not sure where to rank the SML games and SMB 1+2.

The Metroid pic is from Elemental79 at DeviantArt:

Certain retailers seem to have broken the Xenoblade street date.

At least that's what I saw while shopping today.

Squid Cushions!

Available on for $27-35 USD


NintenDomination [May 2015 - July 2017]

  - Official  VGChartz Tutorial Thread - 

NintenDomination [2015/05/19 - 2017/07/02]




Here lies the hidden threads. 

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Nintendo Metascore | Official NintenDomination | VGC Tutorial Thread

| Best and Worst of Miiverse | Manga Discussion Thead |
[3DS] Winter Playtimes [Wii U]