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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - NintenDomination! Your quest is over. We present you a new thread.


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9 3 12.50%
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6 1 4.17%
5 3 12.50%
4 1 4.17%
3 0 0%
2 0 0%
1 1 4.17%

Ok 5:20 then

Around the Network
uran10 said:
everyone let's try to join the group at 5:20 exactly

Alright that should be 5 mins from now.

Wow I've gotten so bad it hurts to see, lol.

Only 3 are in, come on in guys, this thing auto starts!

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Am I in? I don't see anyone, not even myself. =/

Around the Network

I think so, we've got 5 here. Me, Mohammad, ramdom, cweggz and delphin(?)

Follow my Gaming and Graphics Business on facebook and on Twitter:

uran10 said:

I think so, we've got 5 here. Me, Mohammad, ramdom, cweggz and delphin(?)

Not me, I'm on an endless please wait screen.

Is everybody in? I only see myself in the community

we've got 6... though 2 of you are player so I can't exactly tell... who is who.

Follow my Gaming and Graphics Business on facebook and on Twitter:

Well, shit, lol