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Mike321 said:
ARamdomGamer said:

Awakening also has a lot of DLC.

The 2 version thing I don't mind as long as they both have a lenghty story.

Yeah the DLC in awakening was one of the worst aspects of the game, it was overprice IMO, and in this game is shaping up to be worse. And this franchise is not big enough to justify making two versions, even if both have a lenghty story.

I don't really feel that the DLC is that bad. It is indeed, veryyy expensive, but just like what DLC is supposed to be, it's completely optional. Sure, there are benefits from getting DLC, but you still get the full game without any extra content (and they do have free content) and you aren't missing out much by not getting any of the DLC.

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Platina said:
Mike321 said:

Yeah the DLC in awakening was one of the worst aspects of the game, it was overprice IMO, and in this game is shaping up to be worse. And this franchise is not big enough to justify making two versions, even if both have a lenghty story.

I don't really feel that the DLC is that bad. It is indeed, veryyy expensive, but just like what DLC is supposed to be, it's completely optional. Sure, there are benefits from getting DLC, but you still get the full game without any extra content (and they do have free content) and you aren't missing out much by not getting any of the DLC.


The only DLC i bought was the one which gives you lots of gold and exp (golden something). And you dont need that to fully enjoy the game (it might turn good or bad though) 

Soooo DLC's shouldnt be the deciding point of your purchase of the game. It should be about the gameplay/Graphics of it. Because what's the point of having dlcs when the game is bad? 

Pocky Lover Boy! 

Platina said:
Mike321 said:

Yeah the DLC in awakening was one of the worst aspects of the game, it was overprice IMO, and in this game is shaping up to be worse. And this franchise is not big enough to justify making two versions, even if both have a lenghty story.

I don't really feel that the DLC is that bad. It is indeed, veryyy expensive, but just like what DLC is supposed to be, it's completely optional. Sure, there are benefits from getting DLC, but you still get the full game without any extra content (and they do have free content) and you aren't missing out much by not getting any of the DLC.

Yeah in awakening you really don't miss a lot if you pass on the DLC, is like you say optional and that's ok. In fate however if you buy one version you have to either buy the DLC or get the physical copy of the other version, and then they are going to sell another story as DLC, so in order to enjoy the FULL experience of fire emblem fate I have to buy the game plus 2 DLC'S? That's the worst way to handle DLC.


The part that I find really annoying about this FE DLC is that they lock the epilouge of the third path (wich to my knowledge is shorter that the other two) behind an additional paywall. It's already a DLC path and now you're selling it to me in bits and pieces? That's bad dlc practices.

Mike321 said:
Platina said:

I don't really feel that the DLC is that bad. It is indeed, veryyy expensive, but just like what DLC is supposed to be, it's completely optional. Sure, there are benefits from getting DLC, but you still get the full game without any extra content (and they do have free content) and you aren't missing out much by not getting any of the DLC.

Yeah in awakening you really don't miss a lot if you pass on the DLC, is like you say optional and that's ok. In fate however if you buy one version you have to either buy the DLC or get the physical copy of the other version, and then they are going to sell another story as DLC, so in order to enjoy the FULL experience of fire emblem fate I have to buy the game plus 2 DLC'S? That's the worst way to handle DLC.

Well that's where things will get dificult in discussions.  Because on the one hand, the principle of content-to-price may favor the game if each version has a full game's worth of content and is very substantial.  If so, you could argue that it's potentially a good enough value.  And the DLC will obviously be quite substantial, which is a good thing.  On the other hand, you could argue that the experience is segmented despite size and quality of each piece.  I'm not sure on how I feel about it.  If they would sell a two-versions-in-one version for $50 I would jump on it though.  I would be totally down with that.  And if said version was available permanently, that would solve a lot of problems I would have. 

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Mike321 said:

I don't like how nintendo is handling this game. Two separate versions, a ton of DLC, I'm not sure if I'm going to buy this game.

I'll just be playing the game without DLC.

Sounds interesting, I'm kinda looking forward to whatever this QoL is.

So much hype!

Might not be able to participate in the tourney, mom just told me that we are going out to dinner to celebrate my aunt's birthday.... urgh.. the one time a 3DS game comes up... urgh...

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The article above is just for reference, but it got me thinking about the many fan projects nintendo has shut down, not only zelda projects like the article says. Let's just get this out of the way, nintendo has every right to take down this projects so that's not the problem.

I feel that nintendo should either let some of this projects go on or support them. I was trying to make a thread about this subject but my internet is slow, I don't have a pc and my wii u doesn't help so I'll just leave the question here, what do you think nintendo do about fan made projects using their IP's ?