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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - My Defense to Nintendo's Youtube Policy

what Binary Solo said-  thank goodness for writing 

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Did anyone remember that time when Fanboys defend Microsoft DRM policy ....?

well...Microsoft was in their right too....

Why you ppl don't go and write a petition in order to get DRM in our games too? not fair that you ppl can sell your used games...Why you should make money from something that is not yours?

ihatefatkatz said:

Nintendo have not been censoring criticism. 

They have even stipulated that they won't reject application on opinion or views

You are just finding issues that don't exist

That's naive. They can reject a negative video because of a technicality and just be more flexible with positive videos.

Despite that, a let's play video is fair use. Nintendo is just doing that because they know that YouTube usually takes any copyright notice, correct or not, seriously and gives one strike to the channel. They aren't even in their own legal right! They are just using the fear of being banned against YouTubers because they want to censor content about their games.

Imagine if everyone did that. Not only game companies, but film companies too. And if they did it with TV reviews too. "Oh, you were kind of harsh with Avengers 2, well your video can't be published because of rule A and B".

Nintendo does not care about its fans, only about their stock holders, Joe should have known, they will never let a penny slip away. What amazes me is how come people defend it so much when they do nothing for their fans.

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!

Uabit said:

Lol i don't know if it's more fun this or people defending that multimillion-dollar companies need what they charge to play online to "pay the servers" while steam offers them for free.

Poor Nintendo they will bankrupt without the money they want to take from fans or youtubers using their content : (

The only normal way to justify this is to go straight and say is their copyrighted material and they do with it what they want (which doesn't spare them from being such jerks with all this youtube thing).

Steam also puts DRM in all its games so if it goes out of business, you lose thousands of dollars in products. Gabe is not so nice, right?

The problem isn't the share Nintendo wants. Is that Nintendo decides what video is acceptable and what video isn't. That's censorship and they can use it to skew videos towards more favorable opinions about their products.

Despite that, they aren't in their right according to the copyright law. Fair use allows to use parts of a film/game/music to review or create a parody.

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ToraTiger said:

I actually agree with Nintendo 100% on this Angry Joe B.s.  I don't enjoy L.Ps or any other non-gaming hobby that isn't video games.  I don't watch Youtube at all, but I never got the point of letting gamers make millions using other people's products to make commentary and reactions on them.  Look at it this way, shouldn't a movie company get money where ever a channel on T.V plays their film?  It's the same thing in this case.  They're getting ad money by entertaining people with someone else's copyrighted product.  I think Nintendo did a good job, and I honestly wished other game devs made a similar policy. 

This is only a bad move because Nintendo is now losing a lot of advertising, but they're partner share program is fair imo besides the fact that your channel can only play nintenod games...


Also lol@ letting people making millions by playing video games and stream, and worst is letting them take all the proceeds themselves..  

I don't care what ninty does as this doesn't affect me at at, but at bolded, no no no, let Ninty sink on that ship by themselves.

Thanks jlmurph!

It doesn't matter what Nintendo do they will be defended to the death by their fans, but meh let them do it if they want to control their entire video space on YouTube, allowing what can be uploaded and what can't. If Microsoft, Sony, EA, Ubisoft, Activision, Square Enix or Capcom pulled this it would be mayhem. 

There's only 2 races: White and 'Political Agenda'
2 Genders: Male and 'Political Agenda'
2 Hairstyles for female characters: Long and 'Political Agenda'
2 Sexualities: Straight and 'Political Agenda'

Watching a game isn't the same as watching a film, to get the experience you have to play the game. Gaming is about playing not watching so in essence "lets play's" are just advertising the game nothing else.

torok said:
ihatefatkatz said:

Nintendo have not been censoring criticism. 

They have even stipulated that they won't reject application on opinion or views

You are just finding issues that don't exist

That's naive. They can reject a negative video because of a technicality and just be more flexible with positive videos.

Despite that, a let's play video is fair use. Nintendo is just doing that because they know that YouTube usually takes any copyright notice, correct or not, seriously and gives one strike to the channel. They aren't even in their own legal right! They are just using the fear of being banned against YouTubers because they want to censor content about their games.

Imagine if everyone did that. Not only game companies, but film companies too. And if they did it with TV reviews too. "Oh, you were kind of harsh with Avengers 2, well your video can't be published because of rule A and B".

Just becausethey can, doesn't it will happen. In fact, I can bet you can provide a single instance of Nintendo flagging youtubers on the basis of criticism and opinion. The program is a few months old and there hasn't been a single issue of censorship.

You are using a hypothetical and not a real issue. Even angry joes situation, Nintedo didn't take down the video they took the revenue. Angry joe himself took the video down himself in spite.

I own a knife, I have potential to stab someone with it, it doesn't mean I will. This analogy applies here.

torok said:
ihatefatkatz said:

Nintendo have not been censoring criticism. 

They have even stipulated that they won't reject application on opinion or views

You are just finding issues that don't exist

That's naive. They can reject a negative video because of a technicality and just be more flexible with positive videos.

Despite that, a let's play video is fair use. Nintendo is just doing that because they know that YouTube usually takes any copyright notice, correct or not, seriously and gives one strike to the channel. They aren't even in their own legal right! They are just using the fear of being banned against YouTubers because they want to censor content about their games.

Imagine if everyone did that. Not only game companies, but film companies too. And if they did it with TV reviews too. "Oh, you were kind of harsh with Avengers 2, well your video can't be published because of rule A and B".

The fair use law contains elements that must be met:

1. the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
2. the nature of the copyrighted work;
3. the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and
4. the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.

I think it would be hard to argue that let's play videos satisfy condition 3.  The art, sound, and story are lifted verbatim in their entirety from the games being shown.  Those are all owned by the copyright holder.  The only arguement in favor of fair use is that the gameplay is missing.  I'm not sure how well that would hold up in court and I think a lot of people are overly confident that it would be enough.