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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS4 Update 2.50 “Yukimura” Preview: Suspend/Resume, 60fps Remote/Share Play & more.

Suspend/Resume. fucking finally. i really like these updates, i hated the many updates on the PS3, its better to release a whole bunch of features every now and then. the PS4 is really getting some awesome features with time. the best console out there IMO

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Trophy Improvements: We have received a ton of feedback to improve Trophies. In “Yukimura,” a screenshot will automatically be captured at the moment a Trophy is earned, making it easier than ever for you to share your greatest gaming moments with your friends. We’re also adding more sorting options along with the new ability to remove games from the Trophy list that have 0% completion.

I hope that can be turned off. I really don't want to have to constantly delete pics from my PS4.


The PS5 Exists. 

Hopefully these automatic screenshots for trophies will not be automatically saved on my hard drive. Or at least I will have an option to delete them.
I don't care about trophies, and don't want my drive to be crowded by useless photos.

poklane said:

Hot damn!

absolutly,... that grammar error is totally embarrasing.

Yay accessibility options! Universal button mapping options should always be a thing.

4 ≈ One

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Great to hear , loving all the improvements.

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I just like that they name their big updates after prestigious samurai families.

finalrpgfantasy said:
The feature I'm most interested is the ability to delete games from the trophy list with 0% completion rate.

I don't have any games like that. So I have no idea why this is such a big thing. Every game I play I normally give it enough time that I get at least one trophy before I decide it isn't worth playing.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


Good stuff.

60fps on remoteplay is based.

A little too late on the master account. I was forced to make a new PSN 4 years ago because of that, subsequently losing all my trophies. As a result I stopped caring about trophies and achievements.