this thread is so bare considering how screenshot capture is now integrated into consoles
here's some shots i randomly took in gta online
this thread is so bare considering how screenshot capture is now integrated into consoles
here's some shots i randomly took in gta online
here's some more
Time to revive this thread
Here's my screenshots of playing Killzone Mercenary on Vita
It's time to get some beauty up in here!!!!
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture has released and goddamn is it a beauty. These are just some pictures I took in the first 30 minutes, without really trying to go for a "photographic" shot persay. I'll try to get some better pictures later on and start screenshotting some other games as well
I'm really getting into Every body's gone to the rapture. It's a very relaxing place to explore.
Site is back, some more pics
It's time for a flight sim on consoles!
Nom Nom Galaxy
And some more gone to the rapture
i love this thread =) the pictures are awesome!
the metal gear solid 5 graphic is really amazing.
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