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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Screenshot Thread: Now You're Posting With Power!

I rarely post pictures on miiverse, but when I do, I enjoy it! Here's 3 of them:
Bayonetta 1:

Hyrule Warriors:

Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag

What do you think? I have, exactly 4 more from Wii U side, but I'll post later.  

Around the Network

Custom Stage in SSB


Feel Like Killer Bee (Bayonetta 2)

Yeah, you're all about to die... (Super Mario 3D World)

Something bad happened... (Wind Waker HD)


Some pretty stuff.

Captain Toad Treasure Tracker

Wind Waker HD (most of my screenshots actually)


Animal Crossing New Leaf

I don't have that many screenshots now that I check so I guess that I have a goal now.


Around the Network

Some more screenshots from me!

Captain Toad

Bayonetta 1

Bayonetta 2

I really need to post more screenshots on Miiverse.

Official Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Thread


The Masked Lumen battles were an absolute joy to partake in. So much fun. @_@

Nintendo's games look so much better than third party stuff.

Oh yeah, the first Lumen Sage battle, holy shit!

I made some screens, but they aren't that great, I may play it again to take some better screens

Hehe, I think long combos were pretty hard against him.

Samus Aran said:

Nintendo's games look so much better than third party stuff.

In general I agree, but I think some third party stuff more than holds its own: