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Forums - Sales Discussion - SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE! Sales of the stealth genre king in Japan.

deskpro2k3 said:
Very nice. On a personal note, I need more Solid Snake, I've had enough of Big Boss.

While I am absolutely thrilled with Big Boss being back (my favorite and we only got him in MGS3 since I don't play Peace Walker), I agree we need a good Solid Sanke game after Phantom Pain.  I mean we've only gotten one MGS game where we got to play as Solid and he wasn't a decrepid old man.  Think about it.  1 we got him, 2 we got Raiden other than that tiny prologue part, 3 we got Big Boss (awesome but still making a point here), and 4 we got his old self not in his prime at all.  We need an HD game with Solid as a real stealthy badass.  I used the face camo in MGS4 as much as possible to simulate this.

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers

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Watch out guys, we got one Nintendo console on the list!

while i do want a proper MGS featuring Solid Snake there is one thing that i want more... and thats a MGS Rising game featuring Gray Fox, he is the reason why Ninjas became such a thing in MGS and hes the coolest one of them all.

well Big Boss is the better character imo, so I'm glad he has more games

Of course 3 is best selling! It's the best Stealth game ever!

Bet with Xander XT: 

I can beat more games on his 3DS than he can on my PSVita in a month. Loser has to buy the winner a game on his/her handheld Guess who won?


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The_Sony_Girl1 said:
Of course 3 is best selling! It's the best Stealth game ever!

Indeed it is, also has the best story, characters, music etc etc.
One of the best games of all time

ktay95 said:
The_Sony_Girl1 said:
Of course 3 is best selling! It's the best Stealth game ever!

Indeed it is, also has the best story, characters, music etc etc.
One of the best games of all time

My favorite non-Ratchet and Clank game of all time and my favorite story in any medium of entertainment.  It is Hideo Kojima's magnum opus.  A masterpiece of gaming history which should always be remembered.

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers

ktay95 said:
The_Sony_Girl1 said:
Of course 3 is best selling! It's the best Stealth game ever!

Indeed it is, also has the best story, characters, music etc etc.
One of the best games of all time

That pic makes Eva's boobs look bigger. And it's my 5th best game ever, after Halo 3.

Bet with Xander XT: 

I can beat more games on his 3DS than he can on my PSVita in a month. Loser has to buy the winner a game on his/her handheld Guess who won?


This thing is what kept Konami alive all these years.

Wright said:

This thing is what kept Konami alive all these years.

Nope, Yu-Gi-Oh! and Dance Dance Revolution! are Konami's money makers.

MGS is what kept them relevant.