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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Resolution Top Reason For People Buying PS4/ Brand Loyalty XB1/ Fun Factor WiiU

LOOOL, Sorry call me in denial but I refuse to believe that resolution is an actual factor for the average joe, I don't even think its a factor most of the people on gere. I say its highly likely that people just mean graphics. I'm sure when asked on clarification, the surveyers would say resolution is the clarity of the image, which to most people will equates to graphics. I don't know anyone in real life who even knows that PS3/360 games weren't all native 720p/1080p. Hell even I didn't until the end of last gen.

Looking at the back of my Mass effect 3 360 case and it says (720p, 1080i, 1080p), what else am I or the general public suppose to believe?? Sorry, rant over :p

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o_O.Q said:
GribbleGrunger said:

How does that tell us how seriously it should be taken? All it tells us is that your average Joe knows very little about the hardware.

i mean in the sense that the participants are obviously not informed on what they are being questioned on

Which should also not be surprising, remember, Nielsen ratings people are responsible for shows like Here comes Honey Boo Boo staying on the air.

GribbleGrunger said:

so much for that idea that xbox owners aren't buying ps4's but rather just waiting to upgrade because they are soo satisfied with their 360s.

o_O.Q said:

i mean in the sense that the participants are obviously not informed on what they are being questioned on

But it's not a poll to educate people, it's a poll to asky why they bought a console. It doesn't matter whether that reason is wrong or right, that's the reason they bought the console.


The PS5 Exists. 

o_O.Q said:
the fact that "faster processing" is listed as a factor for xbox should make it quite clear how seriously this should be taken

Not the mention ''price/value'' with Wii-U. Hardware wise Wii-U is by far the least bang for the buck.

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mornelithe said:
o_O.Q said:

i mean in the sense that the participants are obviously not informed on what they are being questioned on

Which should also not be surprising, remember, Nielsen ratings people are responsible for shows like Here comes Honey Boo Boo staying on the air.

lol good point

AnthonyW86 said:
o_O.Q said:
the fact that "faster processing" is listed as a factor for xbox should make it quite clear how seriously this should be taken

Not the mention ''price/value'' with Wii-U. Hardware wise Wii-U is by far the least bang for the buck.

price/value is not necessarily limited to harware.

Folks, this isn't about whether the people know anything about the consoles they bought, this is about why they bought those consoles regardless of whether it's fact or fiction. Why is that so difficult to understand?


The PS5 Exists. 

GribbleGrunger said:
o_O.Q said:

i mean in the sense that the participants are obviously not informed on what they are being questioned on

But it's not a poll to educate people, it's a poll to asky why they bought a console. It doesn't matter whether that reason is wrong or right, that's the reason they bought the console.

yes i understand that its a reflection on what aspects of the console have been emphasised in marketing... whether the impression given is right or wrong

such a survey is skewed at best and here is why.

If you ask a lot of people why the chose the PS4 and they say better resolution what that really means is them saying the vest versions of games are on the PS4. No one is going to buy a console cause of resolution, but they would if they felt it played the best versions of games.

If you ask Nintendo gamers why the buy a WiiU, they can't say power or performance or multiplatform, so they would say because Nintendo games are fun. When in truth outside the fun factor (which is subjective) the WiiU probably has the highest percentage if consoles own by loyalists and not neutrals.

The same can be said about the XB1, just that in their case they have to be honest and admit to being loyalists. This is cause they have no claim to the power argument and have no claim to supposedly having the most fun games. Hence why you see Xbox fans hold onto arbitrary metrics like UI or how much better XBL is or how all their friends own an XB1.