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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony's Woes Show Just How Bad Nintendo's Are

generic-user-1 said:
Lawlight said:
Maybe not everyone thinks that the Nintendo games are quality?

quality isnt a thing that depends on your taste.   and if you dont think nintendo games are high quality games than you never played one-




Were you born in north korea or something?

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KingdomHeartsFan said:
Ka-pi96 said:
Anyone wanna do a little summary or something. I don't watch videos, can't multi task while doing that.

He basically says

Sony has been releasing flop after flop after flop and the PS4 is at 20m sold.  What does this say about the Wii U?  Its releasing quality game after quality game that lives up to the hype and its at 9m.  The PS4 has sold 20m without a single must own exclusive and Wii U has multiple ones, that just shows how bad Nintendo has fucked up with the Wii U.

Whoa!  That's exactly what the OP said you said! 

This is like some weird meta thing, isn't it?

fps_d0minat0r said:
generic-user-1 said:

quality isnt a thing that depends on your taste.   and if you dont think nintendo games are high quality games than you never played one-




Were you born in north korea or something?

have you ever played a broken nintendo game? or one with not working controlls?or with Day one dlc that was clearly cut out of the game just to sell it as dlc? or one that missed features the advertised?

you dont have to like em, but you cant argue that nintento games are of low quality...

generic-user-1 said:
fps_d0minat0r said:
generic-user-1 said:

quality isnt a thing that depends on your taste.   and if you dont think nintendo games are high quality games than you never played one-




Were you born in north korea or something?

have you ever played a broken nintendo game? or one with not working controlls?or with Day one dlc that was clearly cut out of the game just to sell it as dlc? or one that missed features the advertised?

you dont have to like em, but you cant argue that nintento games are of low quality...

Not being broken doesnt = quality.

Having DLC doesnt mean it was cut out of the game. In most cases, the online content before DLC in most games is greater than that found in nintendo games anyway. Secondly, its still a better option than something like selling pokemon game variants at full prices when a capable developer could turn them into DLC packs, so you would only need 1 base game and could get the full experience (and in many cases, only the things you specifically want) at a lower cost.

Similar logic applies to promising content... Most other games feature so much more content than nintendo games that even when they fall short of their promises, they are still miles ahead of nintendo.

You dont have to like other games, but you cant argue they have been ahead in the vast majority of things for a very long time: physics, story, graphics, sound effects, cut-scenes and it means the gameplay is advancing at a faster rate than what nintendo have been offering customers.

The only thing I cant argue about is 'art style' because thats subjective, but even then, theres a far wider variety on PS4 than the wii U.

fps_d0minat0r said:
generic-user-1 said:
fps_d0minat0r said:
generic-user-1 said:

quality isnt a thing that depends on your taste.   and if you dont think nintendo games are high quality games than you never played one-




Were you born in north korea or something?

have you ever played a broken nintendo game? or one with not working controlls?or with Day one dlc that was clearly cut out of the game just to sell it as dlc? or one that missed features the advertised?

you dont have to like em, but you cant argue that nintento games are of low quality...

Not being broken doesnt = quality.

Having DLC doesnt mean it was cut out of the game. In most cases, the online content before DLC in most games is greater than that found in nintendo games anyway. Secondly, its still a better option than something like selling pokemon game variants at full prices when a capable developer could turn them into DLC packs, so you would only need 1 base game and could get the full experience (and in many cases, only the things you specifically want) at a lower cost.

Similar logic applies to promising content... Most other games feature so much more content than nintendo games that even when they fall short of their promises, they are still miles ahead of nintendo.

You dont have to like other games, but you cant argue they have been ahead in the vast majority of things for a very long time: physics, story, graphics, sound effects, cut-scenes and it means the gameplay is advancing at a faster rate than what nintendo have been offering customers.

The only thing I cant argue about is 'art style' because thats subjective, but even then, theres a far wider variety on PS4 than the wii U.

Not broken is a clear indicator for quality. 

and some dlc is cleary cut out of the game just to be sold as dlc.

and pokemon has 2 versions everytime because people should trade pokemons, its a social game. dlc couldnt do this.

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generic-user-1 said:
fps_d0minat0r said:
generic-user-1 said:
fps_d0minat0r said:
generic-user-1 said:

quality isnt a thing that depends on your taste.   and if you dont think nintendo games are high quality games than you never played one-




Were you born in north korea or something?

have you ever played a broken nintendo game? or one with not working controlls?or with Day one dlc that was clearly cut out of the game just to sell it as dlc? or one that missed features the advertised?

you dont have to like em, but you cant argue that nintento games are of low quality...

Not being broken doesnt = quality.

Having DLC doesnt mean it was cut out of the game. In most cases, the online content before DLC in most games is greater than that found in nintendo games anyway. Secondly, its still a better option than something like selling pokemon game variants at full prices when a capable developer could turn them into DLC packs, so you would only need 1 base game and could get the full experience (and in many cases, only the things you specifically want) at a lower cost.

Similar logic applies to promising content... Most other games feature so much more content than nintendo games that even when they fall short of their promises, they are still miles ahead of nintendo.

You dont have to like other games, but you cant argue they have been ahead in the vast majority of things for a very long time: physics, story, graphics, sound effects, cut-scenes and it means the gameplay is advancing at a faster rate than what nintendo have been offering customers.

The only thing I cant argue about is 'art style' because thats subjective, but even then, theres a far wider variety on PS4 than the wii U.

Not broken is a clear indicator for quality. 

and some dlc is cleary cut out of the game just to be sold as dlc.

and pokemon has 2 versions everytime because people should trade pokemons, its a social game. dlc couldnt do this.

Its ONE indicator of quality.

and some content is clearly cut out of a game just to be sold as another variant of a game.

lastly, thats a lame excuse. There are also social games on PS4 where you can trade items with other players.... most obvious example being FIFA ultimate team.

generic-user-1 said:

have you ever played a broken nintendo game? or one with not working controlls?or with Day one dlc that was clearly cut out of the game just to sell it as dlc? or one that missed features the advertised?

you dont have to like em, but you cant argue that nintento games are of low quality...

Glass houses and stuff.

Nintendo games have a ton of polish, but you're exagerrating.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Samus Aran said:
oniyide said:

oh please that blue hedgehog sells on average about 1mil. Hell the horrible SOnic 06 sold 1 mil just on PS3 alone. The last two games are flopping because 1. they suck 2 they are tied to a system that itself is flopping

You heard it here first, the 3DS is a flop.

And yeah, the games suck, that's the point I was making LOL.

Im sorry but your point is kinda invalid when you cherry pick two games out of many Sonic games that have been released. Sonic does more good than bad sales wise at least, so it has to be more than quality that caused those games to fail. Are you trying to say the crap games dont sell? cause that would be false unless you think the ones that did sell are actually good, then that is subjective and we would just be talking around each other.

Not quite sure what 3ds has to do with anything as i didnt mention it.

Matter of fact I would say the recent flops have just as much to do with the system they are on and the quality.

generic-user-1 said:
fps_d0minat0r said:
generic-user-1 said:

quality isnt a thing that depends on your taste.   and if you dont think nintendo games are high quality games than you never played one-




Were you born in north korea or something?

have you ever played a broken nintendo game? or one with not working controlls?or with Day one dlc that was clearly cut out of the game just to sell it as dlc? or one that missed features the advertised?

you dont have to like em, but you cant argue that nintento games are of low quality...

Metrold Other M had a glitch, Mario Kart 7 had a glitch, Skyward Sword had a game breaking bug. 

Here's the thing so what? You people are missing the point, it doesnt MATTER if Mario is bug less or not, if someone doesnt like Mario it wouldnt matter to them. If they like Assassin's creed then they will play AC because that is the only way they can play AC. Thats like telling someone hey this restaurant cooks better steak than that restaurant across the street that makes ok salad, guess what im a vegan I dont care about steak no matter how well its made

either there is something that Ninty is doing wrong or something consumers are doing wrong. The customer is mostly right so the wise bet would be the former