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Forums - Sony Discussion - Aldro - The Order: 1886 REVIEW (Spoiler FREE)

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Fair review, I can see the fanbase liking this game, because what it is, it does do it well. I personally will have to wait a long time, since it is too costly to justify, and has a key gameplay element I very much dislike. Hopefully maybe PSN Plus release 2 years later, maybe if I am lucky.


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After drawing some comparisons with this review and Beyond: Two Souls review, I can safely say that what the hell Aldro.

Oh, and if anyone is thinking about playing this, play on hard. It's not the difficult even on hard with no aim assist so it must be pretty easy on any other difficulty.

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

Normchacho said:
Oh, and if anyone is thinking about playing this, play on hard. It's not the difficult even on hard with no aim assist so it must be pretty easy on any other difficulty.

Anything above hard?


rolltide101x said:
Aldro said:
vivster said:
Just for reference, what's above "great" on your scale?

Incredible for 9, Masterpiece for 10

Well written review but I do not think this game deserves a 8 from a 7 hour playthrough with a "4" on lasting appeal without being an AMAZING experience.

So then it will become an 8 when the price drops to 10€? My reviews tell you the content and you can decide if you want to get it or not but I do not necessarily dock points in terms of content for price. It's the quality of the product I am concerned about.

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Wright said:

After drawing some comparisons with this review and Beyond: Two Souls review, I can safely say that what the hell Aldro.

Feel free to explain this further because you're not saying much here to me :P


EDIT: If you're refering to both of them being slow => The main docks on Beyonds story was the constant jumping which hurt the narrative along with the story being somewhat unclear throughout it all. The Order has you hooked from the moment the intro runs, but the pacing and flow gradually builds up again after that. Hope that explains it (if that was what you were refering to). And yknow, one plot intruiged me far more than the other.

thanks aldo,.. i'm not sure i've i'm happy or sad to see a review like this have at least 3 orders of magnitude more professionalism than the actual professionals do.

rolltide101x said:
Aldro said:
vivster said:
Just for reference, what's above "great" on your scale?

Incredible for 9, Masterpiece for 10

Well written review but I do not think this game deserves a 8 from a 7 hour playthrough with a "4" on lasting appeal without being an AMAZING experience.

I think Lasting appeal is more on replay value which is next to none in this game. There is no Co-op, no multiplayer, not much collectibles, and no photo mode. Once you finish the game then you're done. There is no reason to play it again. Including a photo mode would have made a lot of sense and added a bit of replay value to it but they didn't  include it yet(possibly a future patch).

Thanks for the review. I will add this into my formula for working out the price I'm willing to pay for this game. I was heading towards 50%, but I might up that a bit.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


Acevil said:
Normchacho said:
Oh, and if anyone is thinking about playing this, play on hard. It's not the difficult even on hard with no aim assist so it must be pretty easy on any other difficulty.

Anything above hard?

Not unless something unlocks after you beat the game, which I don't think it does. Would be a simple enough thing to add though I think, this game is just begging to be updated.

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.