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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Hypothetical: Nintendo Agrees To Support PS4, Sony Agrees To Support HDS

Soundwave said:
fatslob-:O said:

Microsoft is only putting up a fight in one region so Nintendo stepping in would only makes it moderately easier to win America ...

Japan is a lost cause as it is so I doubt the PS4 would gain much from it either ... 

Even putting everything else aside I think Sony would do it just to get a supply deal win for the HDS platform. There's no downside to having more exclusives on your platform either. 

If Mario + Smash + Final Fantasy + DQ + MK etc. can't move consoles well then nothing will, but I think getting Nintendo IP on PS4 would help them push the PS4 above PS3's sales totals (about 10 million). It certainly can't hurt. 

Ultimately the death/decline of the Japanese market isn't what either Sony or Nintendo want to see. It hurts them, its hurts their third party partners. The only beneficiary to a decimated Japanese market is Microsoft because they were never gaining traction in the market anyway. 

Again the only loser in this scenario is Microsoft. Both Nintendo and Sony gain on multiple fronts. It would be huge for the Japanese industry too. 

Seems to me like it'd make more sense of Nintendo to buy Square Enix's support. - Imagine if Nintendo could get Xenoblade, Bravely Default, Fire-Emblem, and Final Fantasy (maybe even one with some of the old talent now at Monolithsoft lending a hand) on one console! Maybe buy Capcom's support too, a home console exclusive Monster Hunter would be a great addition to that. 

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uran10 said:
RolStoppable said:
Cobretti2 said:

unless I traveled back in time i SWEAR this thread existed 2-3months ago. even the same author im 70% sure.

You aren't mistaken. Soundwave repeatedly pitches the idea that Nintendo should form an alliance with another company, and it's shot down every time because Nintendo would get the short end of the stick in the outlined scenario. Today is Sony's turn, a couple of months ago it was Microsoft's. I think at one point Disney was also a suggestion.

I'm not the only one who realises this! Thank god.. luckily for me there are a couple users on this site who once I read their name I never read their posts for  the sake of not saying something that would get me banned

You know you can just choose to not engage in a thread if you don't find it discussion worthy right? I do it all the time. There are others here who are enjoying talking about the topic at hand. 

Ps4 is doing very well without Nintendo Ip sony will never accept this deal

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m

Twilord said:
Soundwave said:

Even putting everything else aside I think Sony would do it just to get a supply deal win for the HDS platform. There's no downside to having more exclusives on your platform either. 

If Mario + Smash + Final Fantasy + DQ + MK etc. can't move consoles well then nothing will, but I think getting Nintendo IP on PS4 would help them push the PS4 above PS3's sales totals (about 10 million). It certainly can't hurt. 

Ultimately the death/decline of the Japanese market isn't what either Sony or Nintendo want to see. It hurts them, its hurts their third party partners. The only beneficiary to a decimated Japanese market is Microsoft because they were never gaining traction in the market anyway. 

Again the only loser in this scenario is Microsoft. Both Nintendo and Sony gain on multiple fronts. It would be huge for the Japanese industry too. 

Seems to me like it'd make more sense of Nintendo to buy Square Enix's support. - Imagine if Nintendo could get Xenoblade, Bravely Default, Fire-Emblem, and Final Fantasy (maybe even one with some of the old talent now at Monolithsoft lending a hand) on one console! Maybe buy Capcom's support too, a home console exclusive Monster Hunter would be a great addition to that. 

Nintendo's had multiple chances to try and gain traction in the Japanese console market. Really they haven't succeeded in a big way since the Super Famicom days. 

Sometimes it's just smarter to know when to fold 'em. 

I just the window for this concept of a glorious "comeback console" from Nintendo that rights all the wrongs of previous Nintendo consoles and wins back the mainstream audience from Sony/MS ... at this point is just too far gone. If they were going to do that they needed to make that work with the GameCube before Microsoft became too entrenched in the business. 

small44 said:
Ps4 is doing very well without Nintendo Ip sony will never accept this deal

I think they'd accept in 5 minutes flat. Why wouldn't they want more exclusives? The deal is nothing but good for them. 

Nintendo is the one that likely is the harder sell on this, not because it makes great sense for the company, but because they are too prideful at times. But I think some harsh realities are dawning on them now too. 

Around the Network
uran10 said:
RolStoppable said:
Cobretti2 said:

unless I traveled back in time i SWEAR this thread existed 2-3months ago. even the same author im 70% sure.

You aren't mistaken. Soundwave repeatedly pitches the idea that Nintendo should form an alliance with another company, and it's shot down every time because Nintendo would get the short end of the stick in the outlined scenario. Today is Sony's turn, a couple of months ago it was Microsoft's. I think at one point Disney was also a suggestion.

I'm not the only one who realises this! Thank god.. luckily for me there are a couple users on this site who once I read their name I never read their posts for  the sake of not saying something that would get me banned

To be fair, Soundwave doesn't seem like a hater regardless of having an unconventional line of thinking; they rather seem to be inclined to think it would genuinely be good for Sony to support a Super DS which definitely means they're not one of those users that wants to find the quickest path to Nintendo losing relevance and advocate for that...


Its a sad statement about 'messaged board gamers' that that is an important distinction.

Soundwave said:


What would be the fall out a scenario in which

Nintendo agrees to supply certain of their IP to PS4 (and possibly PS5). 

In return Sony agrees to support the next Nintendo handheld/Fusion device (so long as its not a direct competitor to the PS4/5) and also throws in a money hat to Nintendo (under the condition the Playstation division is profitable) and marketing support.

Nintendo also has the rights to make a PS4-Fusion hybrid platform that plays games from both (Sony gets paid for their end of the hardware of course). 

Sony/Nintendo could also work out a deal whereby perhaps Sony supplies parts for the next Nintendo handheld (LCD screen, camera, battery?). 

Nintendo gets titles like Uncharted, God Of War, Gran Turismo, etc. for their portable which is more of a bonus. But it could also trigger larger third party support for Nintendo in the handheld relam with Sony officially alligning with them in that sense. 

I think it'd be a win-win for both sides. Of course I suspect ardent loyalists on both sides won't be happy, but the game industry is changing so much, I think Nintendo especially needs to decide whether it makes sense to have to pointlessly fight all these battles. Make an ally for a change. It's good for business. 

Franchises like Mario/Mario Kart/Zelda deserve to be available to more people and this solution is better than in 4-5 years have to grovel to making cheapo smartphone games if things don't improve for Nintendo. Sony's game division is good people, Yoshida and Hirai get it. 



There probably won't be a PS5 anyway due to Sony's super strong push towards online/cloud/streaming gaming on almost everything even Samsung smart TV's. 

Their original deal fell through for many reasons, some of those are still good reasons even today so it likely won't happen. 

Sony has bigger things to worry about, like getting Sony Corp back on its feet than something like this. 

Gotta figure out how to set these up lol.

Dusk said:
Soundwave said:


What would be the fall out a scenario in which

Nintendo agrees to supply certain of their IP to PS4 (and possibly PS5). 

In return Sony agrees to support the next Nintendo handheld/Fusion device (so long as its not a direct competitor to the PS4/5) and also throws in a money hat to Nintendo (under the condition the Playstation division is profitable) and marketing support.

Nintendo also has the rights to make a PS4-Fusion hybrid platform that plays games from both (Sony gets paid for their end of the hardware of course). 

Sony/Nintendo could also work out a deal whereby perhaps Sony supplies parts for the next Nintendo handheld (LCD screen, camera, battery?). 

Nintendo gets titles like Uncharted, God Of War, Gran Turismo, etc. for their portable which is more of a bonus. But it could also trigger larger third party support for Nintendo in the handheld relam with Sony officially alligning with them in that sense. 

I think it'd be a win-win for both sides. Of course I suspect ardent loyalists on both sides won't be happy, but the game industry is changing so much, I think Nintendo especially needs to decide whether it makes sense to have to pointlessly fight all these battles. Make an ally for a change. It's good for business. 

Franchises like Mario/Mario Kart/Zelda deserve to be available to more people and this solution is better than in 4-5 years have to grovel to making cheapo smartphone games if things don't improve for Nintendo. Sony's game division is good people, Yoshida and Hirai get it. 



There probably won't be a PS5 anyway due to Sony's super strong push towards online/cloud/streaming gaming on almost everything even Samsung smart TV's. 

Their original deal fell through for many reasons, some of those are still good reasons even today so it likely won't happen. 

Sony has bigger things to worry about, like getting Sony Corp back on its feet than something like this. 

It's still a good deal for them, Yoshida and Hirai would accept fairly quickly. Just because a corporation has other areas of worry doesn't mean they just shut down looking at any deal. Yoshida has even said he admires Nintendo and having a healthy Nintendo is vital to the industry. 

The Playstation business is one of the key pillars that's going to drive Sony back to their feet anyway, anything that strengthens that division is certainly a priority. 

small44 said:
Ps4 is doing very well without Nintendo Ip sony will never accept this deal

Yep, just like Nintendo has no problem selling the majority of their ip despite being their lowest selling generation hardware wise.

They will both be fine on their own so really no need for either of them to agree to this.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

Sony would have to put their negotiators to work to make sure that the big western third parties were on board with the Fusion. That's the only way Nintendo would really win out of this, especially if the Fusion can play on TVs anyway. Sony IPs themselves are not worth as much, and Nintendo would have to sacrifice a lot putting them on PS home consoles on their side.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.