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Soundwave said:


What would be the fall out a scenario in which

Nintendo agrees to supply certain of their IP to PS4 (and possibly PS5). 

In return Sony agrees to support the next Nintendo handheld/Fusion device (so long as its not a direct competitor to the PS4/5) and also throws in a money hat to Nintendo (under the condition the Playstation division is profitable) and marketing support.

Nintendo also has the rights to make a PS4-Fusion hybrid platform that plays games from both (Sony gets paid for their end of the hardware of course). 

Sony/Nintendo could also work out a deal whereby perhaps Sony supplies parts for the next Nintendo handheld (LCD screen, camera, battery?). 

Nintendo gets titles like Uncharted, God Of War, Gran Turismo, etc. for their portable which is more of a bonus. But it could also trigger larger third party support for Nintendo in the handheld relam with Sony officially alligning with them in that sense. 

I think it'd be a win-win for both sides. Of course I suspect ardent loyalists on both sides won't be happy, but the game industry is changing so much, I think Nintendo especially needs to decide whether it makes sense to have to pointlessly fight all these battles. Make an ally for a change. It's good for business. 

Franchises like Mario/Mario Kart/Zelda deserve to be available to more people and this solution is better than in 4-5 years have to grovel to making cheapo smartphone games if things don't improve for Nintendo. Sony's game division is good people, Yoshida and Hirai get it. 



There probably won't be a PS5 anyway due to Sony's super strong push towards online/cloud/streaming gaming on almost everything even Samsung smart TV's. 

Their original deal fell through for many reasons, some of those are still good reasons even today so it likely won't happen. 

Sony has bigger things to worry about, like getting Sony Corp back on its feet than something like this. 

Gotta figure out how to set these up lol.