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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony Sells SOE (Sony Entertainment Online) to Columbus Nova! Going multiplatform (Xbox)

sales2099 said:

To companies sell things to "droll on their own lap in an alley"? 

He''s been banned so I think I'll stick to my reasonable version of events. Especially considering the other posts included in his ban. 

Let's be real here: you only took issue with his phrasing because its hard to defend your pro-Playstation position against news like this.

You're literally only in here trying to bait others into going off topic as well. What would be hard to defend in my honest opinion is a company that puts no soul or originality into its games and instead tries to nickel and dime their users for features that should be free.  A company that will sell itself so low JUST to take down other companies so that it stays relevant.  THATS a company that I'd have a hard time defending.  If Sony went bankrupt it would be a truly sad day in news and the bad would far outweight the good in such an event.  Many would leave gaming and we'd see that DRM Online bullshit implemented within the hour. SOE please, quit trying to stir up trouble here because some of us actually want to post about the topic at hand without having to argue every other post

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small44 said:

The article said that SOE is a leader in MMO why Sony accept to sell it?

because they arent leaders in MMOs, everquest is not what it used to be anymore. The MMO market is dominated by WoW, Koreans and Chinese. All day there are new MMOs/free to play games popping up there. Not a reliable bussiness for Sony

poklane said:
Kerotan said:

can you not post without having a pop at PS fans? Did we do something to annoy you? Or did Sony? I just don't get the constant digs. 

Just look at this sig, nuff said.

Am i missing something with his sig? Why include titles like Project Spark, Forza Horizon 2 and Titanfall, but not FF14, Guilty Gear, Samurai Worrier 4, and MLB13?

That's interesting move.

I guess it wasn't much use for them anyway. Hopefully the new owners should it well.

sales2099 said:
Sony doesn't make laptops and virtually has no presence in the PC gaming space anymore. Damn times are tough.

It's getting harder and harder to ignore Sonys money troubles now, is it PS fans?

Well, it's quite amazing that a company with "money troubles" has made one of the fastest selling systems in video game history. That said, though, there is a distinction between Playstation and Sony. You do know that even if Sony's other divisions lose money, they don't just mooch off of Playstation's profits. The company just doesn't work like that.

Anyways, you need to chill out because this thread is about about SOE. You clearly have no intention to be on topic so what are you really here for?

OT: As someone else just mentioned, it is possible that Sony owns some of the IPs and that SOE will be making other IPs for all platforms. That said, though, I personally don't see any loss in this either way. I rarely play F2P games and the only time I ever do is when I play MMORPGs.

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Zekkyou said:
poklane said:
Kerotan said:

can you not post without having a pop at PS fans? Did we do something to annoy you? Or did Sony? I just don't get the constant digs. 

Just look at this sig, nuff said.

Am i missing something with his sig? Why include titles like Project Spark, Forza Horizon 2 and Titanfall, but not FF14, Guilty Gear, Samurai Worrier 4, and MLB13?

Nah, his sig is just the blind ''Xbox exclusives are automatically better than PlayStation exclusives'' kinda crap.

I'm not into online gaming so it doesn't affect me. As long Sony is still having their 1st party developers then I'm cool.

Follow me on Instagram : YAFEAXX

The irony is that for over a year we constantly heard about MSFT selling xbox, yet sony made the first move selling a segment of their gaming business.

true_fan said:

The irony is that for over a year we constantly heard about MSFT selling xbox, yet sony made the first move selling a segment of their gaming business.

It has already been explained why selling SOE makes sense. Here's Torillian's explanation as an example:

SOE doesn't really fit into SCE's vision as well as studios like Naughty Dog or Santa Monica. So what's the point of keeping something that will be of relatively no use?

true_fan said:

The irony is that for over a year we constantly heard about MSFT selling xbox, yet sony made the first move selling a segment of their gaming business.

You are embarrassing Xbox fans with that irrational drivel. Selling SOE is like shutting down Xbox Entertainment studios. Both are irrelevant to the console brand.