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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony Sells SOE (Sony Entertainment Online) to Columbus Nova! Going multiplatform (Xbox)

Ka-pi96 said:

Except they were all PC games. So they never were first party.

First party = made by the platform maker. Sony don't make PCs or Windows, so not first party.

1. It'd actually based on pronouns. So since they were in the same company they are first party. 
2. SOE has actually done quite a few PSn games 
3.  Sony makes pcs

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God Sony is selling alot of things does this mean Sony is in some form of trouble? I am starting to get suspecious on the real reason Sony decided to delay their fiscal quarter.

Edit: I see this might be good for Sony from what I hear but how many more things are Sony going to sell? This news feels out of nowhere IMO.

Proud to be a Californian.

I'm worried for Sony's situation, but I don't really care if they're losing SOE exclusives, I don't play online usually so those game could turn even XB1 exclusives as far as I care. xD

Hey don't click here ! It's creepy !!

I want a PlayStation All-Stars Sequel ! Come on Sony, stop making too many shooters !

I'll make a better signature when I'll have time to do it...  

Ka-pi96 said:

They haven't for nearly a year now...

How much has happened since I have been gone?>_>


Regardless. My first two points stand . And they still have Sony brand laptops where you can play these games

They even made a hanfuld of PS2 games

Columbus Nova must of threw a lot of money at sony to get them to sell a part of it's gaming division.

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Wow, that's big news! Why would Sony sell it though?


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

I wonder if we'll ever discover the pretty penny paid for this? Will sony financials reveal?

It's always been known that Sony was in financial trouble for a while, but I never imagined it would get so bad to the point where they would actually sell off one of their studios in their gaming division. Isn't that the most profitable part for Sony?


Last edited by WessleWoggle - on 09 February 2018

wow so many bans lol especially since the sale is irrelevant to the PS4 X1 battle.

Soe was worthless to the console success, it never even fit into the vision of playstation with Now and streaming being he future. What ever $ they got is a much better investment into PS then it was keeping soe.

Id bet my left nut the new owner company focus on asia hard now, consoles will be an after through.


SOE did not fit into their PS strategy, that why it was sold.