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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Amazon US february monthly bestsellers and general Amazon based discussion

binary solo said:
Insidb said:
I wonder if Amazon will do the bundle again or if that is an automated response; it's hard to tell if Amazon had a sales threshold in mind that they hit or not.

Looks like the only reason they took it down was because they ran out of Wolfenstein. If they get in a new shipment of the game the deal will probably go back up.

That might be, but they completely removed the Value Bundle from their site. I'm taking it with a grain of salt, because Amazon has been very spotty with product availability notices.

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Ryng_Tolu said:
As i have predict, The Order is now in top 40... Out of TOP 100 soon.

I know your giddy with excitement but it is still doing well at 27. Evolve was out of the top 100 in like 3-4 days and never peak as high as The Order.

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.

Ryng_Tolu said:
As i have predict, The Order is now in top 40... Out of TOP 100 soon.

Anything to take your mind off of the Wii-U's performance, I guess :D

tokilamockingbrd said:
Ryng_Tolu said:
As i have predict, The Order is now in top 40... Out of TOP 100 soon.

I know your giddy with excitement but it is still doing well at 27. Evolve was out of the top 100 in like 3-4 days and never peak as high as The Order.

Which also means it moved back up a few spots. 

Insidb said:
binary solo said:
Insidb said:
I wonder if Amazon will do the bundle again or if that is an automated response; it's hard to tell if Amazon had a sales threshold in mind that they hit or not.

Looks like the only reason they took it down was because they ran out of Wolfenstein. If they get in a new shipment of the game the deal will probably go back up.

That might be, but they completely removed the Value Bundle from their site. I'm taking it with a grain of salt, because Amazon has been very spotty with product availability notices.

Yeah I noticed that the value bundle has completely gone. I'm guessing there won't be any resupply of Wolfenstein for a while.

Not sure what's happening with the market with Xb one holding steady at 7 and PS4 climbing. I thought it would be the other way around, PS4 holding steady (at 12-13, and Xb one falling. What's with the rush to buy consoles at the end of the month?

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


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binary solo said:
OnlyForDisplay said:
Going to be interesting to see how March turns out. PS4 and Xbox One have titles that are capable of benefitting the outcome.

Remind me what Xb one has. I don't keep track of Xb one game release schedules.

SF V already at 65 with over a year before its release. Was that because of the announcement if the character that was made today?



I was under the impression Battlefield Hardline could help... but something tells me that isn't going to help. My bad.

" It has never been about acknowledgement when you achieve something. When you are acknowledged, then and only then can you achieve something. Always have your friends first to achieve your goals later." - OnlyForDisplay

binary solo said:
Interesting, Amazon is no longer showing the value bundle as an option. Looks like maybe there won;t be another Wolfenstein shipment for a while. I'm actually surprised Xb one has stayed up in the hourlies this well, I expected more of a drop.

The Order still in the top 30. 2nd week numbers will be a substantial drop, but not a complete collapse. Of course we probably won't find out in the VGChartz until April with the rate sales charts are lagging behind at the moment. February is almost over and we haven't had a chart for the first week of Feb. Has that ever happened, that we get through a whole month and not one sales chart for any week in that months, only one pre-order chart too. Something is going seriously awry when we're not even getting timely pre-order charts.



I am also interested in what the numbers are at this point. I don't know how this site works in terms of updates, but hopefully we will have them soon.


Either way, hoping that Order doesn't drop out of the top 50 by next year.

" It has never been about acknowledgement when you achieve something. When you are acknowledged, then and only then can you achieve something. Always have your friends first to achieve your goals later." - OnlyForDisplay

binary solo said:
Insidb said:

That might be, but they completely removed the Value Bundle from their site. I'm taking it with a grain of salt, because Amazon has been very spotty with product availability notices.

Yeah I noticed that the value bundle has completely gone. I'm guessing there won't be any resupply of Wolfenstein for a while.

Not sure what's happening with the market with Xb one holding steady at 7 and PS4 climbing. I thought it would be the other way around, PS4 holding steady (at 12-13, and Xb one falling. What's with the rush to buy consoles at the end of the month?

These charts aren't just the hourly sales, the are based on a time period. So give it 2-3 days for the sale to no longer be averaged with it. 

Protendo said:
binary solo said:

Yeah I noticed that the value bundle has completely gone. I'm guessing there won't be any resupply of Wolfenstein for a while.

Not sure what's happening with the market with Xb one holding steady at 7 and PS4 climbing. I thought it would be the other way around, PS4 holding steady (at 12-13, and Xb one falling. What's with the rush to buy consoles at the end of the month?

These charts aren't just the hourly sales, the are based on a time period. So give it 2-3 days for the sale to no longer be averaged with it. 

Maybe so, but things do move up and down pretty quickly when sales are dropping or rising on an hourly basis. Xb one dropped quite quickly from it's peak at 5 down to 7. Now it's been at 7 for at least half a day or more. That suggests there's not much change in sales. And in the half day or so that Xb one has been at 7 PS4 has climbed 3 places.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


I don't know what Amazon was thinking. As if they were actively trying to destroy their NPD preductor record.

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