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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Amazon US february monthly bestsellers and general Amazon based discussion

While XB1 bundle now leads at (3rd free game + free controller Wow), PS4 is now in first position at bestbuy thanks to the PS TV free bundle even when XB1 ACU bundle at bestbuy also includes a third game for free (lego batman).

With those crazy deals Microsoft are really serious into winning USA monthly when they clearly don' t care about the rest of the world. Those deals must cost them a lot.

But overall I expect PS4 to still win february NPD even if not by much.

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walsufnir said:
Protendo said:

LAWL. That's the problem with not being a native English speaker!  I missinterprut things all the time. This is great practice for me, and one of the reasons I enjoy the forums! That beign said, I am glad to see Xbox doing well. I believe it benefits both Sony and Microsoft when things get competitive, as they try harder.  

Being in the tech industry, I know that DDR3 prices are attroucious, and I have to report price fluctions every time I make kan order as a buyer. GDDR5 is something we don't really order, but I can see that prices are going down. I do know that GDDR5 has advantages over DDR4, and DDR4 has completely eclipsed DDR3 in every way, and our new technlogy no longer uses DDR3, that is why DDR3 is considerred legacy technology. It's getting phased out by new technology. At least DDR4 prices are going down.

Perhaps I should make it even more clear: MS and Sony buy chips. And only the chips, not ready to market for consumer pluggable DDR3-"bars". The main difference between DDR3 and GDDR5 is especially the controllers that are used, not the chips themselves (and of course things like voltage and so on). That said, Sony and MS are aware of price fluctuations, that is why such companies have long term contracts. Again, where does Sony buy their XDR RAM for their PS3? I can't find it in any store... Well, they have a (long term) contract that ensures prices and availability, same applies to MS and Xbox 360.

But as we don't know the details of these deals we can't infer any prices based on RAM for both consoles but we can say that fluctuations in RAM prices don't have an effect on console prices.

Ok then they would get the same price for ever even if it goes up in price, but sony will get a revision of the contract as the price in gddr5 goes down, so MS is still loosing money whille sony is profiting now and will eventually be able to drop the price further and still profit.

Another thing is I highly doubt these type of contracs last for a decade like they did for ps360. As soon as these contracts end and the suplyers is not profiting and unable to advance iin what the next upgrade is due to being forced to suport legacy technology, they wil drop MS unless they pay more for each chip. Making the x1 more expensive and being sold at a higher lost, or the most likely senario, MS will drop the xbox completly. I have  felling this will happen in 2-4 years, giving the x1 a max life of 5years.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

eva01beserk said:
walsufnir said:

Perhaps I should make it even more clear: MS and Sony buy chips. And only the chips, not ready to market for consumer pluggable DDR3-"bars". The main difference between DDR3 and GDDR5 is especially the controllers that are used, not the chips themselves (and of course things like voltage and so on). That said, Sony and MS are aware of price fluctuations, that is why such companies have long term contracts. Again, where does Sony buy their XDR RAM for their PS3? I can't find it in any store... Well, they have a (long term) contract that ensures prices and availability, same applies to MS and Xbox 360.

But as we don't know the details of these deals we can't infer any prices based on RAM for both consoles but we can say that fluctuations in RAM prices don't have an effect on console prices.

Ok then they would get the same price for ever even if it goes up in price, but sony will get a revision of the contract as the price in gddr5 goes down, so MS is still loosing money whille sony is profiting now and will eventually be able to drop the price further and still profit.

Another thing is I highly doubt these type of contracs last for a decade like they did for ps360. As soon as these contracts end and the suplyers is not profiting and unable to advance iin what the next upgrade is due to being forced to suport legacy technology, they wil drop MS unless they pay more for each chip. Making the x1 more expensive and being sold at a higher lost, or the most likely senario, MS will drop the xbox completly. I have  felling this will happen in 2-4 years, giving the x1 a max life of 5years.

What? These contracts ensure the upper limit of prices. Remember when HDD prices went to the roof because of a natural catastrophe in asia? Why didn't this affect consoles?

And especially, ram is only one factor of the price of consoles. Biggest thing is the apu itself.

But I see what you are inferring on false assumptions. If you or anyone want to discuss this topic further, use my wall or PN, this is just not the right place to discuss this.

TheObserver said:
eva01beserk said:
Does anyone else think MS has not shiped a single x1 since november/early december's overshipping? Most likely MS next Q results will be embarasing for the xbox family.

Also, it seems that hevely critizied sony games lieke the order, destiny or watchdogs end up sellig well, even knack sold decently, but then xbox asosiated games like rise, evolve, sunset(I think the resption to critics was luke warm) dont end up so hot. If AC5 was not free with another game and discounted I dont think it would have sold so well. I think its best for publishers to not accept MS money if they want to grow.

That's been a problem with the core XBOX fanbase forever, they really don't buy many different games.

They mostly stick to a couple franchises like Halo, gears, Forza, Fable, CoD, and everything else suffers big time. This wasn't so pronounced last gen cause multuplat owners bought multiplat games on the 360, but it's going to show this gen big time.

I think 3rd party publishers are alreay learing their lesson and it'll get increasingly hard for MS to get exclusivity deals with other publishers. Their only option might be to go diresctly to developers who can't get a publisher for their game, which is a good thing overall cause it means games that wouldn't get made will get made, rather than MS just giving money to another big publisher to hoard a game that would've been on everything to begin with.

After they basicly abandoned the rest of the world, the disparity will be so big that no european or japanesse game will even think about xbox when desining a game and will not care for optimization and parity. This will make a lot more controversy. Then even american games like shooters will naturally follow the largest installbase and will choose to assosiate with ps4 unless MS pays just far to much.

Im hoping this will happen, maybe it will forze MS to actually make their own games. And like you say give the oportunity to other non AAA's, although I see them fighting with nintendo for thouse few gem's. So I see american gems t be swepted up by MS, while rest of world will go nintendo, unless of course sony finds them first.

People may not be willing to accept it, but sony crushing the competition can actually be good for the industry, it will make the others try new things they would never dream of when they where all doing good last gen. Example, nintendo going with bayoneta and hyrule wariors and MS' back tracking.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

walsufnir said:
eva01beserk said:

Ok then they would get the same price for ever even if it goes up in price, but sony will get a revision of the contract as the price in gddr5 goes down, so MS is still loosing money whille sony is profiting now and will eventually be able to drop the price further and still profit.

Another thing is I highly doubt these type of contracs last for a decade like they did for ps360. As soon as these contracts end and the suplyers is not profiting and unable to advance iin what the next upgrade is due to being forced to suport legacy technology, they wil drop MS unless they pay more for each chip. Making the x1 more expensive and being sold at a higher lost, or the most likely senario, MS will drop the xbox completly. I have  felling this will happen in 2-4 years, giving the x1 a max life of 5years.

What? These contracts ensure the upper limit of prices. Remember when HDD prices went to the roof because of a natural catastrophe in asia? Why didn't this affect consoles?

And especially, ram is only one factor of the price of consoles. Biggest thing is the apu itself.

But I see what you are inferring on false assumptions. If you or anyone want to discuss this topic further, use my wall or PN, this is just not the right place to discuss this.

Exactly my point, contracts end and when it ends MS is screwed.

I also did not say sony will get a $100 pricecut from ram alone, but every little bit helps, could be the diference in taking a loss and breaking even, like the xbox division would like to be doing.

Why is this not the right place? we are talking factors that will affect future sales. 

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

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eva01beserk said:
walsufnir said:

What? These contracts ensure the upper limit of prices. Remember when HDD prices went to the roof because of a natural catastrophe in asia? Why didn't this affect consoles?

And especially, ram is only one factor of the price of consoles. Biggest thing is the apu itself.

But I see what you are inferring on false assumptions. If you or anyone want to discuss this topic further, use my wall or PN, this is just not the right place to discuss this.

Exactly my point, contracts end and when it ends MS is screwed.

I also did not say sony will get a $100 pricecut from ram alone, but every little bit helps, could be the diference in taking a loss and breaking even, like the xbox division would like to be doing.

Why is this not the right place? we are talking factors that will affect future sales. 

Because this is not how it works. Of course contracts end, on both sides. But then again, chips for DDR3 and GDDR5 will still be produced although they are not available publically. Hell, GDDR5 isn't even sold to consumers in any way. GPUs will soon have HBM memory and not GDDR5 ram. Sony screwed then? Where are they getting XDR ram for PS3? Also screwed?

Gap between the PS4 and X1 in the hourlies has shrunk a teensy bit. The Order has fallen to #31. PS3 is still surprisingly high at #56.

walsufnir said:
eva01beserk said:

Exactly my point, contracts end and when it ends MS is screwed.

I also did not say sony will get a $100 pricecut from ram alone, but every little bit helps, could be the diference in taking a loss and breaking even, like the xbox division would like to be doing.

Why is this not the right place? we are talking factors that will affect future sales. 

Because this is not how it works. Of course contracts end, on both sides. But then again, chips for DDR3 and GDDR5 will still be produced although they are not available publically. Hell, GDDR5 isn't even sold to consumers in any way. GPUs will soon have HBM memory and not GDDR5 ram. Sony screwed then? Where are they getting XDR ram for PS3? Also screwed?

No, how you put it is how things dont work. As you probaby have noticed, its been a while since last gen got a pricecut while sony got ps3 down to $210. Thats because they workded on it to drp the price but be assure thats the last attempt they will do n the ps3 cuz is not worth it anymore. When was the last time the 360 got a pricecut? Sure it might happen, but unless they have to, because of contract, profit, popular demand, devs in any industry will instanly drop aging tech and try to inovate before they get left behind. At some point it will happen to gddr5 as well but it will first happen to ddr3.

This is the same issue nintendo has with power pc. Even if is better, they are the only ones using it and nobody else is soporting it and lef them behind. Once everybody drops something, the only ones left doing it will charge more for their sevices because they are the only ones doing it and theres no other choices.

PS3 is also on a timer. Most likely right before the release of the ps4 they made a deal with the suplyers for a few more years. You can expect that as soon as that contract ends witch I belive to be at most 2 more years, the ps3 will be out of the market. 

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

Aura7541 said:

Gap between the PS4 and X1 in the hourlies has shrunk a teensy bit. The Order has fallen to #31. PS3 is still surprisingly high at #56.

Definitely performing much better than Evolve.  I believe someone stated earlier that it was out of the Top 100 just 4 days after launch.  We are 5 days after launch and it is still in the Top 50.  My guess is its going to take longer than a week or so from launch for it to drop out of the chart completely.

thismeintiel said:
Aura7541 said:

Gap between the PS4 and X1 in the hourlies has shrunk a teensy bit. The Order has fallen to #31. PS3 is still surprisingly high at #56.

Definitely performing much better than Evolve.  I believe someone stated earlier that it was out of the Top 100 just 4 days after launch.  We are 5 days after launch and it is still in the Top 50.  My guess is its going to take longer than a week or so from launch for it to drop out of the chart completely.

It's safe to say that despite the media backlash, The Order is likely a commerical success.