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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Amazon US february monthly bestsellers and general Amazon based discussion

BraLoD said:
ZarskiSold said:
Wow MS does bundles like no other.

Good stuff.

MS did absolutely nothing. Amazon did.
Probably to burn the extra stock MS overshipped last holydays as some people were saying on GAF.
Nice deal BTW.

I find it hard to beelive retailers do those bundles with out support from MS, they have no great reason to take in to much stock and then be forced to lose money in bundles to get rid of it.  Theres got to be some sort of deal in place, we forum dwellers are just oblivious to it.  

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ZarskiSold said:
BraLoD said:

MS did absolutely nothing. Amazon did.
Probably to burn the extra stock MS overshipped last holydays as some people were saying on GAF.
Nice deal BTW.

I find it hard to beelive retailers do those bundles with out support from MS, they have no great reason to take in to much stock and then be forced to lose money in bundles to get rid of it.  Theres got to be some sort of deal in place, we forum dwellers are just oblivious to it.  

Entirely depends on what price Amazon gets the consoles and games for.  It's highly, highly unlikely that Amazon would be creating revenue bleeding bundles.  It's far more likely they're simply taking in less profit to rid themselves of excess stock.

TheObserver said:
I'm surprised at Microsoft's resilience in the gaming business.
Up until 2011 xbox division was almost 7 billion in the red, 360 likely did make some profits in 2012-3013,
but since the launch of XB1 they're making huge losses again. And considering the next console generation will likely be the end of the traditional consoles, it seems unlikely they'll ever break even in this business.

I guess it kind of make sense why they're so desperate to succeed, considering they don't have a single consumer product that's ever been successful for them beside XBOX 360. Their Zune, Windows Phones, Tablets all failed.
360 sparked a hope in MS that they may finally get some mindshare among the people, but XB1 is really destroying that dream, i wonder how much longer they'll be willing to bleed money over this endeavor.

You really can't put WP and Surface in the same failure camp as Zune. Fact of the matter is WP is actually doing quite well in the enterprise space (my organisation has gone 100% to WP8 for staff smartphones, even though I personally much prefer Android ). I dunno about Surface tablets compared to normal tablets, but the people I know who have Surface tablets have the giant ones that are really more like cheap touchscreen ultrabooks with detachable keyboards. They are far to big and bukly to be really called tablets. And these laptablets seem to have found a bit of a niche, again probably more used in the enterprise space in lieu of actual laptops than in the consumer/entertainment space. MS's strength in phone and tablet was always going to be with businesses, so seeing very few ordinary people wandering around with WP phones and Surface tablets doesn't mean WP and Surface are failures. However I do get the feeling that outside of Surface and Nokia phone and tablet has been a failure with 3rd party hardware makers like Samsung.

OT, The order finally losing a bit of steam. Even though the Value Bundle is out of stock Amazon is still taking orders, which is why Xb one is unlikely to drop down the hourlies. I get the feeling this value bunlde will run until at least the end of the month, and maybe depending on sales rates through to the end of the quarter. Perhaps Amazon is trying to clear out all ACU bundles in preparation for a new baseline Xb one sku coming at the beginning of the next quarter. It kinda makes sense that MS would guarantee Ubisoft that ACU bundle would be the main sku until the end of a given financial quarter. If MS shipped all of it's ACU stockthrough for projected sales through to the end of March about now is when retailers would be rationalising stock to make sure it was almost all sold through by the time hte new sku comes on line. I don't expect it to be a re-model as April seems to be the wrong month to launch a re-model, E3 is where MS would create hype for a re-model and release it in June. But perhaps it's a new boxed bundle with digital codes for first party games.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


Monthly update:

PS4: Still at #9
X1: Rose from #19 to #16

Insidb said:
Monthly update:

PS4: Still at #9
X1: Rose from #19 to #16

How do you check monthly?

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DannyDanger89 said:
Insidb said:
Monthly update:

PS4: Still at #9
X1: Rose from #19 to #16

How do you check monthly?

Open the yearly bestsellers (It will default to 2014.), go to the hyperlink, and change the year to 2015 and add the month (-0X).

For reference:

Going to be interesting to see how March turns out. PS4 and Xbox One have titles that are capable of benefitting the outcome.

" It has never been about acknowledgement when you achieve something. When you are acknowledged, then and only then can you achieve something. Always have your friends first to achieve your goals later." - OnlyForDisplay

Insidb said:
Monthly update:

PS4: Still at #9
X1: Rose from #19 to #16

With PS4 dropping a few rankings, and I assume the junp to 16 means the first few days of the value bundle have been factored in, it is quite likely that Xb one ends up ahead of PS4 for Feb. There are 4 more days to go and Xb one looks to be entrenched in 5th place. I think PS4 may end the month in 11th or 12th. Xb one should be damned close to that position too. If PS4 ends up 1 or 2 ranks ahead for the month then I think PS4 will seill beat Xb one in NPD because the value bundle is Amazon only and will somewhat skew the Amazon result compared to all retailers. If Xb one ends up one or 2 ranks ahead I don;t think it will be possible for me to confidently predict which one comes out ahead in NPD. I might still lean towards PS4 with a 1 or 2 rank gap again because of the value bundle artefact, but it will be mighty close. Because of the value bundle Amazon might have a substantially larger Xb one market share this month, and who knows what that will do for the national picture.

February is becomiung an interesting month, no thatnks to VGChartz, that's given us nothing for February except one measly pre-order chart, which no one cares about because it was 2 weeks late anyway.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


OnlyForDisplay said:
Going to be interesting to see how March turns out. PS4 and Xbox One have titles that are capable of benefitting the outcome.

Remind me what Xb one has. I don't keep track of Xb one game release schedules.

SF V already at 65 with over a year before its release. Was that because of the announcement if the character that was made today?

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


walsufnir said:
Protendo said:

DDR3 and GDDR5 are incredibly different. GDDR5 is not considerred legacy technology.

I'm sorry, but you lost this one. Next your going to tell us that the new DDR4 is legacy to because it's also based on DDR3 or the same reason.  At least you make me laugh. Cartman will be Cartman.

This is not about losing or winning, but to be correct in what either one is saying. You are not but you judge posts different than I do. I see that even providing links does not have an effect in any way so we can stop this discussion as it is completely off-topic now.

And don't be sorry where it's not needed

LAWL. That's the problem with not being a native English speaker!  I missinterprut things all the time. This is great practice for me, and one of the reasons I enjoy the forums! That beign said, I am glad to see Xbox doing well. I believe it benefits both Sony and Microsoft when things get competitive, as they try harder.  

Being in the tech industry, I know that DDR3 prices are attroucious, and I have to report price fluctions every time I make kan order as a buyer. GDDR5 is something we don't really order, but I can see that prices are going down. I do know that GDDR5 has advantages over DDR4, and DDR4 has completely eclipsed DDR3 in every way, and our new technlogy no longer uses DDR3, that is why DDR3 is considerred legacy technology. It's getting phased out by new technology. At least DDR4 prices are going down.