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Walmart has TLOU bundle finally. They stopped selling the pick one bundle so the XB1 is in front for now while TLOU climbs up.

Formerly ilovegirls69  :(

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Who compared The Order to Heavy Rain,which is a great game? LOL you are way off.I have seen the first 18 minutes and it plays like a deeper version of TLoU with more situational melee options.The QTE hate is stupid as it expands the combat system by giving the player more choices.People really need to stop listening to the media.Plenty of games use QTE but only a few get hated for it,even though they are not as deep as The Order.

BraLoD said:

I wonder if Bloodborne will suffer all this nonsense hate as well.

The Order is suffering one of the worse attempts of downplay ever.
The amount of nonsense hate Sony exclusive games are getting is simply insane.
They even tried to take down The Last of Us and Uncharted 4 as well, the last one will still be getting it turn of nonsense hate when we are close to its release.
The reason is the wars of course, people that used to spend a whole gen feeling like champions because of the USA domination now seems to be terrible affected by the PS4 success, they can't stand it, they need to downplay it and do the possible to take it down with all they can.
After watching such compromisse with this "cause" with one of the best games we EVER had, it's expected to this to be happening, the human being don't fail to impress me in all possible bad ways.

I hope if the game is good people who played it try to do a good world to mouth so it won't end like this sick people want it to happen, the damage was already done and will just get worse this following days, but I hope it can get controlled based on the game quality, as with happened with DriveClub.

And I still see people wonder why this gen have no new stuff and is a 7th gen 2.0...
There are games comming, good games, but our putrid internet (and out of it as well) envyronment is making sure you won't heard of them or at leats will hear only terrible stuff, and that'll only make new stuff happen less and less.

It's not just exclusive games.Games associated with Playstation have received lower scores and hate.Watch Dogs and Destiny had exclusive promotion from Sony and got bashed,while the limited TitanFall and Evolve which MS has exclusive promotion/deal for received better reviews and no hatred.The Order is fresher than Evolve and Battlefield,but it's getting unnecessary hate.Bayonetta 2 is a linear game,with no multiplayer,crappy story,goofy characters,repetitive combat and is just a hack n slash with poor A.I. but no hate there.

Nuvendil said:
BraLoD said:

I wonder if Bloodborne will suffer all this nonsense hate as well.

The Order is suffering one of the worse attempts of downplay ever.
The amount of nonsense hate Sony exclusive games are getting is simply insane.
They even tried to take down The Last of Us and Uncharted 4 as well, the last one will still be getting it turn of nonsense hate when we are close to its release.
The reason is the wars of course, people that used to spend a whole gen feeling like champions because of the USA domination now seems to be terrible affected by the PS4 success, they can't stand it, they need to downplay it and do the possible to take it down with all they can.
After watching such compromisse with this "cause" with one of the best games we EVER had, it's expected to this to be happening, the human being don't fail to impress me in all possible bad ways.

I hope if the game is good people who played it try to do a good world to mouth so it won't end like this sick people want it to happen, the damage was already done and will just get worse this following days, but I hope it can get controlled based on the game quality, as with happened with DriveClub.

And I still see people wonder why this gen have no new stuff and is a 7th gen 2.0...
There are games comming, good games, but our putrid internet (and out of it as well) envyronment is making sure you won't heard of them or at leats will hear only terrible stuff, and that'll only make new stuff happen less and less.

I don't think this has as much to do with it being a Sony exclusive as it does with people having become cynics.  Titanfall, Watch Dogs, Destiny, Elder Scrolls Online, Aliens Colonial Marines, Rome Total War 2, Assassin's Creed Unity, Sims 4, Sim City The Crew and now Evolve.  The overhype, under deliver pattern has become very common starting late 2013 and continuing through 2014 and now into 2015.  So yeah, people are cynical.  My only issue is the game has shown nothing that sells it for me.  For the longest time, every gameplay vid sent different signals.  It's a gorgeous game with a unique look.  I would love for it to be great, I'm just keeping my expectations in check.  But this isn't a heavy hitting developer and this is their biggest project and they are under a lot of pressure to produce a beautiful showpiece from all sides.  While you can complain about the cynics, don't just act like these devs are above reproach and the game will be awesome "cause  easons." Reasonable expectations is they key to avoiding burns and getting more pleasant surprises.

TitanFall,Unity and Evolve were well received by critics.Why does RAD have tohave that pressure? You put that on them.They did not put that on them selves.You only have yourself to blame for the game not meeting your unrealistic expectations.Why does it need to be great and not just a good game? GTA5 was not great and neither was any COD game.People just think that because of reviews.This is why I don't respect the average gamer (not you) because they are sheep.

It seems to me that the haters are out in full force. They hate to see it doing so well.

Either XBOX fanboys are just more bitter people in general or MS is behind this, every PS exclusive seems to have a major railroad attempt toward it. While PS fans tend to leave games like Forza and Sunset OD alone. It could be the fact that XB1 is losing so they are more aggressive.... who knows, buts its getting weird.

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

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PS4 12
X1 25th

Feb gonna be a bad month for the box, so will march and rest of the year.

Order will the first punch, BB will put em on their ass.

The Order Collector's Edition is rising. It's now at #55. With all the craziness that has been going on the internet regarding the game, it doesn't seem that it is affecting pre-orders. Can't really say about post-launch sales until we see for ourselves.

DerNebel said:
For the last couple days I was growing more hopeful that the Order will review decently at least, but with the whole shit that has been happening in the last couple hours that hope has dropped again, reviewers will criticize this a lot and word of mouth might be mixed as well.

I think the Order will have a strong first week but its legs might be cut short, I just hope that they still get to make a sequel in which they can incorporate everything they've learned from this and make it better, cause the basic idea of this game is great.

drama much? The Order has not dropped on Amazon at all. It was number 10, now eleven but it was jumped by some accessory that went on a major sale.

The Order has mass market appeal (much like Destiny) which helps blunt it against internet fanboys speading hate. I fully expect HUNDREDS if not thousands of 1/10 reviews within hours and some fanboy will use these reviews as a way to say people hate the game.

Same thing happened for the PS4 launch, Infamous, well just about anything sony. I mean could we forget the epic failure of ALL the launch PS4s that every initial review pronounced.

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

Amazon is loading very slowly for me indeed right now...hope it's fixed soon.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

BraLoD said:
Nuvendil said:

I don't think this has as much to do with it being a Sony exclusive as it does with people having become cynics.  Titanfall, Watch Dogs, Destiny, Elder Scrolls Online, Aliens Colonial Marines, Rome Total War 2, Assassin's Creed Unity, Sims 4, Sim City The Crew and now Evolve.  The overhype, under deliver pattern has become very common starting late 2013 and continuing through 2014 and now into 2015.  So yeah, people are cynical.  My only issue is the game has shown nothing that sells it for me.  For the longest time, every gameplay vid sent different signals.  It's a gorgeous game with a unique look.  I would love for it to be great, I'm just keeping my expectations in check.  But this isn't a heavy hitting developer and this is their biggest project and they are under a lot of pressure to produce a beautiful showpiece from all sides.  While you can complain about the cynics, don't just act like these devs are above reproach and the game will be awesome "cause  easons." Reasonable expectations is they key to avoiding burns and getting more pleasant surprises.

The thing is that people are trying with all they can to make the game do bad.
Tell me when was the last time you saw a gaming dedicated site/media make a video about "reasons to not buy a game" months prior it release like what Eurogamer did with The Order back in December, it's simply ridiculous how much some people are trying to kill it.
It's way beyond the natural reaction people would actually be having if they don't like the game, that wasn't even released yet!

Now I've also seem people suffer so much seeing TLOU success that when they announced the Remastered version some went crazy, that couldn't be happening, Sony must be insane, don't mind other remasters and the likes, TLOU is a exception, a bad one, it's obviously an evil move by Sony.

And after Uncharted gameplay at PSX the downgrade absurd reaction we were living this gen also come to it, the game was one year before it's release, with a pre-alpha build with amazing quality and people went nuts saying it was pure trash, to be honest I got a tweet yesterday with a random dude saying Uncharted 4 was horrible, people are spreading shit all over the place and definitely Sony exclusive games are the focus of it.

While Halo MCC and DriveClub both suffered with online issues the perception I see of people is that Halo had problems and DriveClub was a broken game like Unity, with isn't even close to reality. And it's bad because it's not open world... there are so much absurd reasons behind Sony games downplaying... like that "too much water" stuff that happened to Pokémon ORAS.

And don't forget, it doesn't matter if the PS4 has the most games in retail, digital, total, it has no gaemz.

The downplay also goes to HW as well. Since PS4 had such a great launch, obviously it has to be a front loaded gen. Since PS4 is in the lead, obviously this gen will be short.


In reality trends have changed. Holidays became bigger and since PS4 launched during the holidays and became supply constrained sales passed on to january and february 2014. If a new gen started quicker it does not mean the PS4 would automatically lose sales in places that it dominates like Europe and asian countries.