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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Quarter results are here! 7.08M 3DS and 3.03M Wii U shipped! Wii U 9.2M total shipped! 5.7 amiibos shipped!$250 million net income! 3DS projections lowered!

I'm happy with this - could have been worse.
Sucks that Wii U will probably take 2 months to reach 10m. :(

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WhiteEaglePL said:
I'm happy with this - could have been worse.
Sucks that Wii U will probably take 2 months to reach 10m. :(

The Wii U is unlikely to reach 10m in sales or shipped numbers in two months.

SJReiter said:
Don't know how this was missed, but Amiibo sales are at 5.7M WW.

This wasn't in the official press release.  Apparently Iwata just mentioned this in a briefing.

Interestingly enough, from the above article, one analyst is expecting Nintendo to release a new handheld model next year, with information coming out this year.

Sort of makes sense. The 3DS was released about 1.5 years after the DSi XL (the last iteration of the DSi). The "new" 3DS XL was released in 2014, so 2016 is not out of the question for a brand new model. I don't expect any more iterations of the current 3DS.

WhiteEaglePL said:
I'm happy with this - could have been worse.
Sucks that Wii U will probably take 2 months to reach 10m. :(

2 months? What ...try at least 6.

And that's shipped. Won't reach 10m sell through until September~


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DM235 said:
SJReiter said:
Don't know how this was missed, but Amiibo sales are at 5.7M WW.

This wasn't in the official press release.  Apparently Iwata just mentioned this in a briefing.

Just another doom and gloom from bloom.

jetforcejiminy said:
Seece said:

3DS overtracked like I suggested as well. Has not hit 50m (end of the year)

it's at 49.5m at worst, possibly more if you account for inventory clearing for new 3ds. comparable to ps4 overtracking before sony announced 18.5m.

ct the constituent parts of a year. two consecutive quarters of strong profits (esp. compared to, say, microsoft's dramatic losses on the now permanently discounted xbone hardware) = good = full fiscal year profits (which they're on track for).


So you agree, good job. Not sure what PS4 has to do with any of this?


wii U is kind of in nintendo prediction. They have to sell 0.4M in 3 months, they should sell almost 200k per month, so its not below exprctations.

Also, MK8 more than 50% attach rate!
And Smash bros, even with 3DS version out competing, have more than 1/3 attach rate.
This is impressive.


Hopefully we'll get more specifics later, and maybe the full-year results will surprise, but it's looking pretty rough.

I believe in honesty, civility, generosity, practicality, and impartiality.

Mythmaker1 said:

Hopefully we'll get more specifics later, and maybe the full-year results will surprise, but it's looking pretty rough.

Yeah you're kind of right. The fact that Iwata even has to say things like "Wii U isn't over yet" speaks to how much of a disaster it's been. You think Microsoft or Sony CEOs will be saying things like that two years after their systems have been on the market? No chance.