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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Quarter results are here! 7.08M 3DS and 3.03M Wii U shipped! Wii U 9.2M total shipped! 5.7 amiibos shipped!$250 million net income! 3DS projections lowered!

Do you think DS can make 1 billion software sales?

My bet with The_Liquid_Laser: I think the Switch won't surpass the PS2 as the best selling system of all time. If it does, I'll play a game of a list that The_Liquid_Laser will provide, I will have to play it for 50 hours or complete it, whatever comes first. 

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DolPhanTendo said:
Now I see on Amazon WiiUs are selling a lot better then last year at this time, in the top 60 when they barely break top 100, Kirby, Mario party, Xenoblade and then Splatoon this quarter will be even better for Nintendo. Splatoon will push consoles to the next level.

Only two of those games are actually out this quarter.

Metallox said:
Do you think DS can make 1 billion software sales?


DolPhanTendo said:
Nice! Nintendo is doing fine and profiting. This is what happens when you make great games and let that sell itself. Only company to profit again out of the big 3.
Now I see on Amazon WiiUs are selling a lot better then last year at this time, in the top 60 when they barely break top 100, Kirby, Mario party, Xenoblade and then Splatoon this quarter will be even better for Nintendo. Splatoon will push consoles to the next level.
I see a price cut some time late summer into September. Using this quarter to build more profits. Then the Zelda hype train begins 😛😛😛😜😜😜😜😍😍😍😍

Quick question anyone see Bayonetta's numbers?

You'll never have numbers for a non-million seller game.

My bet with The_Liquid_Laser: I think the Switch won't surpass the PS2 as the best selling system of all time. If it does, I'll play a game of a list that The_Liquid_Laser will provide, I will have to play it for 50 hours or complete it, whatever comes first. 

any amiibo numbers?

Lawlight said:
tbone51 said:

Ok and your point is? Lets ignore everything else here amIright XD

Seriously though its funny and sad to see post like this :-/

It's funny that the 3DS is already on the way out? Still, I think the 3DS can limp it's way to 70M. 

Its not funny, its in its 4th year and for the dying HH market its actually holding off really well. As for the 70mil, its a maybe. 65mil is a lock. 70mil-75mil seems like the max for now.

Around the Network
Yakuzaice said:
tbone51 said:

about a mil, maybe 1.2mil. Dont forget in japan the N3DS came out so thats why there is a ton of shipment, but i could be wrong.

That said its probably 49mil-49.5mil Sold WW as of January 3rd (so i basically agree)

Using MC numbers, there is a little less than 400k N3DS on shelves in Japan.  Although MC also has lower total 3DS sales than VGC, so that is 400k out of 710k total.

Oh didn't see the breakdowns. Ok then.


Good to hear that Nintendo made a profit last quarter.

tbone51 said:
Lawlight said:

It's funny that the 3DS is already on the way out? Still, I think the 3DS can limp it's way to 70M. 

Its not funny, its in its 4th year and for the dying HH market its actually holding off really well. As for the 70mil, its a maybe. 65mil is a lock. 70mil-75mil seems like the max for now.

T-bone just ignore him. I hate to see it turn ugly and remember you are on shaky grounds here

9.2 million shipped? So is WiiU overtracked too?

Soundwave said:
Good operating income, good numbers for Mario Kart and Smash.

Not so good ... hardware sales in general. They won't make their 3DS targets. Wii U targets, yeah, but nothing special in that regard either, I remember when people were saying Nintendo's Wii U forecast was purposely low because they would shatter that number, but it looks like their projection was basically spot on.

Yeah. Some people think they won't even make the Wii U's target.