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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Make WiiU cheaper and more powerful, w/o sacrificing GamePad

teigaga said:
Wait the gamepad has a sensor bar in it. Can you play classic wii games with off screen play?

That's right. It's like playing Wii games on a mini TV with a built-in sensor bar.

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cheaper yes but not more powerful

The geo sensor is used all the time. It's part of how the Gamepad orients itself for motion controls. It's awesome, and removing it would be impossible and probably cost more in engineering than it would save in most of the suggestions in the op.

Cream147 said:
Take the sensor bar out of the Wii U Gamepad and you remove the ability to be able to play many Wii games off TV, probably for the saving of almost no money at all. You realise the sensor bar is just a couple of lights...

For that same reason why remove the normal sensor bar from being bundled with the Wii U. It's required for some Wii U games, and is undoubtedly very cheap to produce. It's a couple of lights encased in a bit of plastic.

Removing the HDMI cable would be highly annoying. Oh, and the cradle is in my opinion absolutely mandatory. Charging cradles have revolutionised my life, and I know I'm now alone...well, possibly I am, but I know many find them very useful indeed. The existence of the charging cradle helps to save Wii U from the otherwise supreme annoyance of the low battery life of the controller.

This is all a load of rambling but here's the point. Your ideas are probably looking at savings of $5 per console, rather than $50. That for taking out a load of things that people find very valuable indeed. It's a bad idea.

You are not alone, i play mostly with the Pro Controler, but i have the Gamepad in it's cradle within arms reach on the coffee table in front of me. 

Nintendo has shaved features before (the loss of the GameCube controller plugins in the latter iterations of the Wii) and I like that the OP is thinking, but I don't really agree with any of the suggestions. If people have to buy stuff as accessories they will just whine about it.
I can't tell you how many people I have heard bitch about the 32 gigs of memory in the system. "But now I have to go buy an external hard drive too" if you buy a fair amount of digital games then yes, personally I think if you are going to buy a good deal of digital content on any of the current gen machines you're going to have to purchase additional memory. Nintendo makes it easy by letting you use just about any old external drive you want to and people still bitch about it. PS4 is more limited in which drives you can use to expand memory but still makes it easy. The only one I know of that required a proprietary (and overpriced IMHO) drive was Microsoft and that was just the last gen 360. If I'm not mistaken they have already enabled support or say they plan to enable support for external drives with the XboxO.

I guess I just feel that you can't hardly take things away without people using that as more excuses not to purchase the system regardless of wither or not they will use said features.

One last thing I live in the country and get my TV via antenna (or at least I will when I buy a digital antenna) and the TVii feature will be extremely useful at that point. The channel guide in particular. Although of all things you listed that could get the axe and likely be missed the least.

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Xenostar said:
I agree not necessarily with the cuts but they need to release a slim with all the unused cap cut out and get that price right down. It's what ps3 did.

This with a revised Gamepad. Ergonomically improved and if neccessary with smaller screen, more Pro Controller parts (shoulder buttons). Cost reduction of the console itself with a die shrink, mainboard revision and so on. A die shrink, less power consumption etc. would as well reduce the cost of the PSU.

Get rid of the Gamepad PSU as well. Just a USB loading cable.

That way the whole mainboard with all parts should get much cheaper, the main PSU should get a little cheaper, they'd get rid of cost of the Gamepad PSU. Away with the Gamepad loading craddle as well, just keep the small stand, make the box a little smaller and slightly cut shipping costs this way.

As for the Gamepads features, i think that all could stay. If there's a more or less unneccessay one (i actually like) it's the tv-remote. There are other ways though to cut costs and improve ergonomy.


other stuff Nintendo could do but wont have effect on Wii U's cost are further improving the OS speed and reducing the OS's memory foortprint. I really dont see why it eats up 1GB and is so slow at the same time.

spurgeonryan said:
Keep cable, should be playable right out of the box.

3DS isnt and no one complains really.

They should definatly be looking to make the cheapest SKU they possibly can. 

The HDMI cable wont save them more than a few cents.

Getting rid of the Gamepad PSU would likely save more.

As for 3DS, that thing should come with a USB loading cable. There shouldn't be a proprietary recharger today.

Removing the sensor from the Gamepad would make some games unplayable, like ZombiU and Lego City Undercover. It can´t be done.

About the sensor bar..... a couple of games make use of it: Nintendoland, Wii Party U, Call of Duty (when playing with Nunchuck), Just Dance (for navigating menus)...... it also can´t be removed.

TVii is optional. People who can´t use it may just delete it, as I did.

I don´t think the options left would make such difference. Besides, Nintendo will probably cut the price of the WiiU again this year

To discard all the details which makes a console unique? Is that the reason why You have bought this console beside your PC/Laptop?
Do you need a PS/XBox if i have a 3 years old PC? No!
My PC is faster than any console and games are cheaper compared to shamefull prices on PS/Xbox