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Forums - Politics Discussion - Should the world blame America for all these terrorist attacks?

No, America has almost certainly protected itself and other nations by systematically killing terrorists. The blame should fall on the idea that because not all Muslims are bad; we should take no precautionary measures. Only America and Canada have 'no fly lists'. I know that two of the three terrorists that attacked Paris were French, but a no fly list should be put in place anyway -- these terrorists were on America's no fly list, by the way.

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super_etecoon said:
spurgeonryan said:

After 9/11 and some would say before, America became what some would call "World Police". Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and rumors of war and little skirmishes around the rest of the world.

We have made Terrorist, despite what they say in videos and other propaganda, afraid of the United States. So what do they do? They attack our friends and neighboring countries so that they can still get their point across, but stay away from our Wrath. The only problem is that every  other country suffers. Sure, America is safe, but what about our allies who have to bear the brunt of terrorism for us?

I just think the World would have been better off without America policing it.


What are you thoughts?

Your bias in this thread is showing.  It is like you are asking a question...when in reality you are making a statement.  This is a very passive aggresive tactic...which when it concerns games and movies is kind of silly...but when it concerns politics and religion and war it is dangerous.  

I really hope this thread dies a swift death since I don't think there is much good that can come from it here.  There are plenty of people, figures, countries, religions, concepts to point the finger at...but in no way is this a result of "The Americans."  

that some serious denial right there. americans do a lot of good but also a lot of bad. some of the blame lies with them. most of it lies with the people carrying out the atttacks and some of it lies with the countries being attacked. Nobody is innocent. 

Skidmore said:
We should blame religions misunderstandings.

Nailed it. Fundamentalist theists are the detrimental force against progress and have been for eons. One need only learn basic history to find numerous examples of this.

At some point we must try to sit at a table and make some deals to stop the killing. However fanatics are fanatics. This is why I'm atheist because people become drunk on religion and can't handle it.

Kerotan said:
super_etecoon said:
spurgeonryan said:

After 9/11 and some would say before, America became what some would call "World Police". Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and rumors of war and little skirmishes around the rest of the world.

We have made Terrorist, despite what they say in videos and other propaganda, afraid of the United States. So what do they do? They attack our friends and neighboring countries so that they can still get their point across, but stay away from our Wrath. The only problem is that every  other country suffers. Sure, America is safe, but what about our allies who have to bear the brunt of terrorism for us?

I just think the World would have been better off without America policing it.


What are you thoughts?

Your bias in this thread is showing.  It is like you are asking a question...when in reality you are making a statement.  This is a very passive aggresive tactic...which when it concerns games and movies is kind of silly...but when it concerns politics and religion and war it is dangerous.  

I really hope this thread dies a swift death since I don't think there is much good that can come from it here.  There are plenty of people, figures, countries, religions, concepts to point the finger at...but in no way is this a result of "The Americans."  

that some serious denial right there. americans do a lot of good but also a lot of bad. some of the blame lies with them. most of it lies with the people carrying out the atttacks and some of it lies with the countries being attacked. Nobody is innocent. 

I'm definitely not in denial, trust me.  I'm very well aware of what our tactics do around the world and I'm certainly not condoning such behavior.  I was against the Iraq war and marched in many protests.  I'm more taking exception with the creation of a thread which looks to simply blame "the americans" as if it's that easy.  There are far greater factors involved...much too many to really get a grip on in a forum thread.  I think any behaviors on the part of terrorists lie soley on the shoulder of the terrorists.  It's one thing to participate in this world to make it a better's another to walk into a building and kill people in cold blood.  You can't blame the Americans anymore than you could blame any other country, religion, ideology, etc, etc.

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l33t_haxx0r said:
Religion is to blame, pure and simple.

People throughout history, from various religions have fought and killed for what essentially is an idea.

The idea of religion can help people and give them "hope", but it is also the number one cause of death in the world.

I hope in the future, the world will realize this before we destroy ourselves over something that simply does not exist.

For those who do believe in a god, I mean no disrespect and envy your faith that there is something greater out there... Me personally? Aliens is the greater power I choose to believe.

Just a little correction, I guess you meant homicide and not "death" there, as there are a number more common causes of death not related to religious faith (except for extreme fundamentalists who believe everything is Gods work)

I totally blame Mr Bush Jr for making a tremendous mistake with the Iraq war, which predictably destabilized the region for decades and possibly centuries to come.

Ummm.. who exactly composes "the world"? Everyone except America?

And what do you mean by blame? Who would be the arbiters of blame? The United Nations? Should we take a poll of everyone in the world to see who to blame for terrorist attacks?

And if you think the world should blame America, what then? Are you suggesting some sort of retaliation is acceptable or justified? And what do you think said retaliation should be?

Anyway, to answer your question, no. The world shouldn't blame America for terrorist attacks. The world should blame terrorists for terrorist attacks.

Religion has a lot to answer for in my opinion, so many unnecessary deaths over the centuries.

It is not a simple situation. unfortunately the US government definitely deserves there share of the blame, many of the terrorist groups were created, trained and armed by the US due to a lack of foresight or simple lack of caring about future consequences. Religion deserves it share of the blame too. But ultimately it is the prick that commits the act that is to blame.