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Forums - General Discussion - Say something about the person posting above you (II)

Yeah, I'm thinking the best way to respond to him without insulting him and making me banned

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I bumped his thread

||Tag courtesy of fkusumot - "Heaven is like a Nintendo theme park!"||Join the Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 American League HERE!||

I was about to respond...but it's hard for it not to sound ban-able.

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

I did, tell me what you think



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Mr Lowe, I haven't seen him today


lol, that was a good one

||Tag courtesy of fkusumot - "Heaven is like a Nintendo theme park!"||Join the Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 American League HERE!||

I was late

||Tag courtesy of fkusumot - "Heaven is like a Nintendo theme park!"||Join the Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 American League HERE!||

skeezer said:
Mr Lowe, I haven't seen him today

You of all people shouldn't talk...Chuck the Spoon


Thats not funny, you dont even know what spoon means
