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Forums - General Discussion - Say something about the person posting above you (II)

Technically the end in the anime isn't the end, but you all should know that their is gonna be a separate end release next year :) Can't wait.


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marciosmg said:
I´ve watched it. It´s pretty confunsing in the end. And when i say confusing, I mean:

The End

you: What the hell just happened?


you: What the hell just happened?


you: What the hell just happened?


At least that´s how I felt. Maybe I´m dumb.

No same here after the 3rd time watching the show I just skipped the last few episdoes were that happens...


Former something....

I don´t get how you can have several episodes of a anime., finish it and then years down the road have to do something else for people to get the ending. It just seems weird.

Is correct.


4 ≈ One

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Is spamming.


Also posted...

 Tag (Courtesy of Fkusumot) "If I'm posting in this thread then it's probally a spam thread."                               

Should know that I received TWRoO's nominations


A bunch of spammers above me


EDIT - First!!!

I saw that, what about his "others" He still hasnt even gotten their names?
