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Forums - Gaming Discussion - If You Could Only Buy 1 Game for Each Platform in 2015

PS4: Uncharted 4

I don't own the other consoles. If I did I would probably choose

Wii-U: Zelda U
xbone: MGS5

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

Around the Network

Wii U: Zelda
Xbox 1: Halo 5


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

PS3: Tales of Zestiria

PS4: Uncharted 4

PSVita: Digimon story cyber sleuth

WiiU: The legend of Zelda U


If i' ll buy a New Nintendo 3 DS: Xenoblade

Of systems I have/plan on getting next year:

PS4: FFXV if it happens, if not, FF Type-0 HD.
360: *rolls magic conshell* Nothing.
PC: Probably the first game I of my wishlist I see on sale.

Hypothetically speaking if I had these:

XOne: FFXV, if not, Scalebound.
New3DS: Xenoblade Chronicles 3D
WiiU: Star Fox U

I'm now filled with determination.

Ps3 - yakuza 5

Around the Network

PC - The Witcher 3

Wii U - The Legend of Zelda

3DS - Majora's Mask

PS4 - Bloodborne

XboxOne - Quantum Break


Nintendo Switch FC: SW-6340-7643-4233 aka Renji

Steam: Lee Roid

WiiU- Zelda

PS4- Uncharted 4

X1- Halo 5

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

Wii U: Zelda U
3DS: Monster Hunter 4 ~Thank you Stefl1504 for the amazing sig~

PS3: Persona 5
PS4: Bloodborne (I guess)
Xbone:Scalebound (I guess)
Wii: = dead
Wii U: Xenoblade (narrowly beats Zelda)
3DS: Xenoblade (I guess)
Vita: um....... ill get back to you
PC: Witcher 3

Disclaimer: I do not own all the consoles, and 'I guess' refers to not knowing anything better coming out for said systems off the top of my head.

Australian Gamer (add me if you like)               
NNID: Maraccuda              
PS Network: Maraccuda           


Xenoblade X
Uncharted 4
Halo 5 or Quantum Break (would need to see the reviews first)