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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - FIXED - Wii U sales 2014 vs 2015 - Week by week.

This will be the peak year for Wii U. After most of its AAA franchises launch its no way but down from here

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Soundwave said:
sc94597 said:

That is a low estimate though, assuming a steep decline in sales after this year. 19.5 isn't too far from the 21.74 million of the Gamecube. 

I don't think it's a low estimate, and I don't think Wii U will consistently stay 11k/week above the Wii U from last year. 

No Mario Kart or Smash Brothers or 3D Mario for Wii U this year. 

The GameCube continues to outsell the Wii U monthly easily, the gap between the two is not shrinking, it grows bigger each month. Unless the Wii U has massive 2017/18 it's not getting within spitting distance of the GameCube IMO. 

I didn't say consistently. I said as an average. It can be under last year a few weeks and still have an average of 11k more per week.  The GameCube dropped hard its later years. You can't assume the same will happen for the Wii U inherently, but if it does, 19 mil seems to be the end-result in today's market. Also people overrate system sellers. It is the accumulation of a library that sells systems, not single games.

DolPhanTendo said:
Kerotan said:

How are you so sure it won't go lower?  you better hope npd doesn't have the usa numbers lower too 

You do realize NPD has had the system selling a little more over the last quarter and half right so VG is actually a little behind in hardware according to NPD

Yeah but WW where it ultimately matters vgchartz has it a little overtracked.  So the reality until the new year is worse than what vgchartz shows.  


My post is in relation to 2015. Once we get npd we will have a good idea of the new baseline with official Japan and Usa numbers. 

WiiU is up YoY and with almost no games on january, get over it.

Soundwave said:
t3mporary_126 said:

No need for forecasting bad sales now when sales are still up year over year. Save the concern for the summer.

We don't really even know if sales are up YoY definitively yet so I'd hold off on counting chickens before they're hatched. 

There's been many times where people starting crowing over Wii U being "up YoY!" and then it basically turned out to be VGChartz overtracking the system, which it has a tendancy to do. 

There's no point in "concern" for the system either way -- it is what it is ... a dud of a system sales wise. Nothing really is going to change that now. That bus left the station a long time ago. 

When this gen is looked back upon, under pretty much no context will the Wii U be looked at as a success, sales wise. I think that's pretty safe to say. 

Let me tell you something about US

you see that amazon theory that keeps predicting npds

well theres a wii u bundle in the top 50 consistently there now

so if we go by the amazon theory

itll be up


(Won)Bet with TechoHobbit: He(Techno) says 10 million by January 1,2014 I say 9 million by then. Winner gets 2 weeks of sig control.

(Lost)Bet with kinisking: I say Ps4 will win April NPD while he says Xbox One will win it; winner gets 1 week of avatar control.

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Hope it does better!

SjOne said:
This will be the peak year for Wii U. After most of its AAA franchises launch its no way but down from here

either 2015 or 2016 can be the peak years. they will probably have similar sales.

Materia-Blade said:
SjOne said:
This will be the peak year for Wii U. After most of its AAA franchises launch its no way but down from here

either 2015 or 2016 can be the peak years. they will probably have similar sales.

Nintendo consoles usually peak in their third year, I don't see why the trend would change here

Perfect tread.. It will be very interesting to follow WiiU 2014 vs 2015.


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