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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sonys american Reign has ended.

Did everyone forget that the Wii isn't competing with the 360/Ps3 this generation? Just like the Ds isn't competing with the PSP. So it doesn't count. /end sarcasm/

The Ghost of RubangB said:
1: Stop making shooters. Please. You're not Valve or Free Radical.
2: Stop trying to force photo-realism down my throat until you can get out of the uncanny valley. Work on style and presentation instead of just pixels and bloom.
3: Try something weird and new, and hope we like it.

You'll cut costs way more than you cut revenue, and thus increase profit.
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Avinash_Tyagi said:
Everyone likes to ignore how Wii is trouncing everything (except DS of course)

look, the reason all the HD console fanboys leave out the Wii is because the Wii's sales are so far ahead of the other consoles sales as to make it irrelevent. Also, whether you want to admit it or not, the Wii will not be steering the direction of hardcore gaming this gen and most hardcore gamers will not use it as their primary console because a lot of the good FPS and RTS will not be coming to the Wii.

Also, bringing the Wii into the discussion adds a third variable to the equation which burns out the miniscule brains of the fanboys and overtaxes healthcare systems around the world with the casualties. At the very least, it gives both sides of the HD fanboys something they can agree on (the Wii sucks and is a kiddie toy) which fosters unity and rapport. (They don't WANT unity and rapport, they want dicord and destruction.) I hope that explains why everyone "likes" to ignore the Wii in this. (ie, they don't have a choice but to)

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

Retrasado said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
Everyone likes to ignore how Wii is trouncing everything (except DS of course)

look, the reason all the HD console fanboys leave out the Wii is because the Wii's sales are so far ahead of the other consoles sales as to make it irrelevent. Also, whether you want to admit it or not, the Wii will not be steering the direction of hardcore gaming this gen and most hardcore gamers will not use it as their primary console because a lot of the good FPS and RTS will not be coming to the Wii.


Well some of us want something besides Mario games.Yes wii is fun as a family console but for a single game experience I like a console with a little more power. I really enjoyed CoD4 especially in DD5.1 which is the reason I pick Ps3 version over the pc when normally i play FPS on PC only.

Smidlee said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
Everyone likes to ignore how Wii is trouncing everything (except DS of course)

 Who is ignore this? Who doesn't know by now that wii is selling as fast as they are coming in? 

If memory serves DMeisterj, Coolestguyever, and one other guy I can't recall ignored its success in this very thread. Claiming the PS3 is winning right now is discounting the success of the Wii.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Bodhesatva said:
darthdevidem01 said:

I have been saying that since the last page

looks MINe & YOUR comments have been conviniently ignored!

Seems like it :/

Well, the problem is that the Wii's supply has been so crazy we can't know where it'll level off. It levels off at 200k, which seems almost possible, that's a 100% increase over last years regular 100k or so. Until the supply is fixed, or more regular, we can't say the PS3 is gaining on the Wii, because it might still be outsold by 100k or more per week. yes the PS3 has made great strides, but in the scheme of things, until it can constantely outsell the Wii, in any region, and WW, it's just a moot point that it's doing better.

Around the Network

I don't know, it is only about 10k off and this was supposed to be with the 360 fianlly getting full supply back.

PS3 has taken a share from the 360 that I don't know it will ever get back.

Here where I live Wii are starting to be easier to find. So it seems supplies starting to catch up with the demands.

Avinash_Tyagi said:
lemieux-rules66 said:
This is pointless. Why are we all fighting. For all the time it takes it takes to argue. You all could have beaten a game or two. This console war is tearing us apart. We need to see into the light. We have to get back to why we are here on this planet. To play games, not argue about them. Its time we find our old routes.

Well people saying things like europe being sony's turf, even thought its being beaten, or Sony or MS winning in a particular region, even when Wii is ahead, its clear they are just trying to ignore it

It makes perfect sense to ignore the Wii even though I own one and love it. Point your guns elsewhere, Avi.

Aj_habfan said:
I don't know, it is only about 10k off and this was supposed to be with the 360 fianlly getting full supply back.

PS3 has taken a share from the 360 that I don't know it will ever get back.

Correction, The 360 took a huge share from the PS3. Xbox vs PS2 anyone?

I'm sorry guys, but the Sony brand is the only one who has lost or will lose ground this generation.

The Ghost of RubangB said:
1: Stop making shooters. Please. You're not Valve or Free Radical.
2: Stop trying to force photo-realism down my throat until you can get out of the uncanny valley. Work on style and presentation instead of just pixels and bloom.
3: Try something weird and new, and hope we like it.

You'll cut costs way more than you cut revenue, and thus increase profit.

You know, I'm kind of getting tired of this PS3 is in last business. I mean maybe for AMERICAN sales it might be, but what about WW? It's been second for all of 2008. What about the 360's lead? PS3 reached 10 million 4 months before the 360, and continues to do better than the 360 did.

So, the PS3 is no longer "losing the console war" and is not "last". And I will be laughing my ass off when it outsells the Wii lifetime sales.