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Forums - Sony Discussion - Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster listed for PS4 at Square Enix Boutique

V-r0cK said:
Wright said:

How come Xbox gets something as Type-0 HD, but then there's not a single release of X HD for either 360 or X1? :(

If you seen the PSX this weekend and saw Square-Enix then you know that nothing they do ever makes any sense anymore xD

...if I were to guess maybe Sony has a hold of a number of Square games from before PS3 era?

Yeah, that's my theory as well. That, or Sony and SE just made a deal for FF as well as Kingdom Heart 1.5 and 2.5.

Around the Network
Carl2291 said:
Thats a pretty box.

Pretty blue.


Triple dipping.

Hehe love the hate. You wouldn't see such whining if it was to come to the competition.

Ka-pi96 said:
gooch_destroyer said:
Carl2291 said:
Thats a pretty box.

Pretty blue.


Triple dipping.

Only triple? I am disappoint!

1000 words worth of dips.

bubblegamer said:
Hehe love the hate. You wouldn't see such whining if it was to come to the competition.

There's whining its not coming to X1? (or X360).

Where's this coming from, i didn't see any whining :)

If you think this is bad, you should of seen Type 0 not coming to Vita but instead X1! (That i agree made no sense for a vita port especially in japan imo)

Around the Network
tbone51 said:
bubblegamer said:
Hehe love the hate. You wouldn't see such whining if it was to come to the competition.

There's whining its not coming to X1? (or X360).

Where's this coming from, i didn't see any whining :)

I think he means Xbox owners wouldnt whine about getting this and yet there are some sad PS owners who bitch about it because "Oh no not another port. Giving people options makes you the devil."

That would actually be pretty neat. Something nice for my shelf and when there's nothing else to play.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

ktay95 said:
tbone51 said:
bubblegamer said:
Hehe love the hate. You wouldn't see such whining if it was to come to the competition.

There's whining its not coming to X1? (or X360).

Where's this coming from, i didn't see any whining :)

I think he means Xbox owners wouldnt whine about getting this and yet there are some sad PS owners who bitch about it because "Oh no not another port. Giving people options makes you the devil."

Its good to have options, i personally dont like ports/remakes but thats because most i would be interested in i have already played. (i dont like playing most games again when i beat it several times. Ex: LoZ WW HD+LoZ OoT).

Of course im not opposed for it as it does give people a chance to play the game. Thats why out of the 3 FFs next year, im gtting (hopefully) Type0 and FFVII. I haven't played those and i was one of the people who really wanted a FFVII remake (too bad, but idc)

That said the only problem i see here is that 3 FF would be releasing in probably under a few months. I didnt like t with NSMB in 2012. there should be a limit to milking *YW cough  :P

ktay95 said:
tbone51 said:
bubblegamer said:
Hehe love the hate. You wouldn't see such whining if it was to come to the competition.

There's whining its not coming to X1? (or X360).

Where's this coming from, i didn't see any whining :)

I think he means Xbox owners wouldnt whine about getting this and yet there are some sad PS owners who bitch about it because "Oh no not another port. Giving people options makes you the devil."


Fuck yes. Would buy immediately.

FFX is one of the greatest accomplishments in gaming history. I'll add every version to my collection happily.