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Forums - Sony Discussion - Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster listed for PS4 at Square Enix Boutique

How come Xbox gets something as Type-0 HD, but then there's not a single release of X HD for either 360 or X1? :(

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Wright said:

How come Xbox gets something as Type-0 HD, but then there's not a single release of X HD for either 360 or X1? :(

Wouldn't be worth the porting costs I guess :(

Edit: I see your point now... would probably get less back in Type Zero, but that's on the One. idk Wright xD">"><img src="

Wright said:

How come Xbox gets something as Type-0 HD, but then there's not a single release of X HD for either 360 or X1? :(

I have no idea but maybe it has something to do with Sony publishing it in Europe back on PS2. It does seem really odd when they give you KH3 and FFXV but not the latest remasters, except Type-0. You can have that apparently.

Was planning on playing it until I heard a spoiler. Now I don't want to play it anymore T.T

BraLoD said:

I don't know if I got this "top sw sales" right, because the top 3 of ps1 is GT, FF7, GT2, in this order. The next FF there is just in the 6º place.
PS2 the best game from that list is FF 10, and it's in top 7. And PS3 I don't even need to point anything.
Is this Japan only?

This is indeed Japan only. Talking about what would sell PS4 in Japan and the simple asnwer is SQEX. They did it for PS1, 2 and then failed to deliver with 3 leading to lackluster sales.

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Imagining a FFXII remaster for the PS4 next year and weeping.

Port, port , port, port, port, port. They should be called Porter Enix, the new PE.
Wait a minute. PE = Parasite Eve.
Half Life 3 confirmed!

Lube Me Up

I hope there´ll be some way to import my PS3 savegame. If there is then day1 if not.... maybe in a year or 2 (Whenever i get the urge to play again)

Yup...RO friggin rocked  

they should name it FINAL FANTASY X | X-2 FULL-HD Remaster...

Wright said:

How come Xbox gets something as Type-0 HD, but then there's not a single release of X HD for either 360 or X1? :(

If you seen the PSX this weekend and saw Square-Enix then you know that nothing they do ever makes any sense anymore xD

...if I were to guess maybe Sony has a hold of a number of Square games from before PS3 era?