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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony San Diego: Big News Approaching, What We Have Is Unexpected and its Not MLB

fleischr said:
*Insert obligatory Half-Life 3 confirmed joke here so we don't need to see it again*

Oh how I wish I could finally play half life 3. Played number to the year before  this gen started and it is still a solid game and much better then so many of the FPS games out today. 

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Emagon. It'll be Emagon. Whatever that is.

Gotta love the Reggie reference.

The Last Guardian.............anyone?

I'd be so amped for a ModNation Racers sequel! Or what if its CTR implemented with the Play, Create, Share tagline.. I'll stop there.

None of the franchises they've worked on really warrant a sequel (saleswise). I'll bet my money on a new IP.

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antfromtashkent said:
A new nfl franchise!

That would be awesome. I'd be very happy with this announcement.

Probably a Morpheus game.

antfromtashkent said:
A new nfl franchise!

That's what I was going to guess!

Or maybe a fighting game: Ray Rice Punch-Out!

I find it strange. Isnt baseball popular in the USA?

You would thik the games would sell beter

Nobody's perfect. I aint nobody!!!

Killzone 2. its not a fps. it a FIRST PERSON WAR SIMULATOR!!!! ..The true PLAYSTATION 3 launch date and market dominations is SEP 1st

Here is a prediction. It's a VR game created with Zindagi. Or ModNation Racers for PS4 to expand on Sonys family friendly strategy. 

Don't copy random editorials.