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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN gives Brawl 9.5/10! Woot!

Graphics definitely deserved a 9+ (9.5 IMO), but still, a good score I suppose.

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TWRoO said:

Has no one noticed what they said in the first two lines?

"Super Smash Bros. Melee remains – easily -- GameCube's best-selling title."

 In a sense they were possibly right even though new game sales might say otherwise and what I mean is DD was one of the most traded in GC games Gamestop gets while Smash Bros was heavily in demand(used) and fairly tough to find because any time it was traded in it never lasted long on the shelf of Gamestop/EB games so when we looked up the game on the computers for people most stores never had it ....though thought it was funny when one day out of the whole company only the store in Puerto Rico had a copy and here I was in Utah.

Stores seemed to always have a few copies of DD and they sold well used.

One of our last shipments of new GC games was Smash Bros in early 2007.

Also remember Smash bros almost always leading the list of best selling GC game in Mags. 



L.C.E.C. said:
Graphics definitely deserved a 9+ (9.5 IMO), but still, a good score I suppose.

That's way to high. 9.5 is Killzone 2 or Gran Turismo 5 graphics. 8.5 is a great score for this games graphics. 

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

Riot Of The Blood said:
L.C.E.C. said:
Graphics definitely deserved a 9+ (9.5 IMO), but still, a good score I suppose.

That's way to high. 9.5 is Killzone 2 or Gran Turismo 5 graphics. 8.5 is a great score for this games graphics.

That's ridiculous.  You don't compare graphics to other platforms.  You compare them to the other games on the platform in question.  Otherwise DS graphics would never score above a 3, and PS3 and 360 graphics would never score above an 8 after Crysis.  

Thanks Naznatips, I'll never be able to look at Link or Zelda in Melee without puking again.

Riot, that's exactly what we're talking about. Are reviewers supposed to be comparing Brawl to Killzone 2 or GT5 graphically, when it's on an admittedly weaker system? Do you auto-dock points off of every Wii game's graphics for not being in HD? If so, then you gotta auto-dock every 360 game's controls for having a turd for a D-Pad and not having an IR pointer or accelerometers. This is one of the best looking Wii games so far, and I think it should get some credit for that. Or is the best the Wii can ever do graphically an 8.5, eh, pixel-counter?

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naznatips said:
Riot Of The Blood said:
L.C.E.C. said:
Graphics definitely deserved a 9+ (9.5 IMO), but still, a good score I suppose.

That's way to high. 9.5 is Killzone 2 or Gran Turismo 5 graphics. 8.5 is a great score for this games graphics.

That's ridiculous.  You don't compare graphics to other platforms.  You compare them to the other games on the platform in question.  Otherwise DS graphics would never score above a 3, and PS3 and 360 graphics would never score above an 8 after Crysis.  

I was agreeing with what Naznatips was saying. That's exactly what I was trying to say.

 The only time you compare graphics between consoles is like with the PS3 & 360 ports of the PC game F.E.A.R. 

I wonder what Game Informer will give Brawl... They'd better not pull another N.M.H. review out of their arses...

Riot Of The Blood said:

Wow naznatips. I think this game can't fit on a Blu-Ray disc.

Cut it out with the trolling. You're just trying to piss people off.

Don't worry, I was joking. If I wanted to troll and/or piss people off I'd do something else, say criticizing the game's score before playing it, for example.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

naznatips said:

That's ridiculous. You don't compare graphics to other platforms. You compare them to the other games on the platform in question. Otherwise DS graphics would never score above a 3, and PS3 and 360 graphics would never score above an 8 after Crysis.


Ok, then here's my question: 

If you're a reviewer and you're not really impressed with the graphics because you have seen better, do you give the game a high score in graphics anyways because of the system it's on? I don't think you should do that. It would be like giving the PS3's motion controls a high score just because they're ok for a PS3 game, though you know what motion controls can really do after playing the Wii's resident evil.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

naznatips said:
Riot Of The Blood said:
L.C.E.C. said:
Graphics definitely deserved a 9+ (9.5 IMO), but still, a good score I suppose.

That's way to high. 9.5 is Killzone 2 or Gran Turismo 5 graphics. 8.5 is a great score for this games graphics.

That's ridiculous.  You don't compare graphics to other platforms.  You compare them to the other games on the platform in question.  Otherwise DS graphics would never score above a 3, and PS3 and 360 graphics would never score above an 8 after Crysis.  

a lot of people are comparing melee's graphics to brawl. last time i checked, they were on different platforms. the 8.5 is fine (if maybe a tad low).

Riot Of The Blood said:
naznatips said:

That's ridiculous. You don't compare graphics to other platforms. You compare them to the other games on the platform in question. Otherwise DS graphics would never score above a 3, and PS3 and 360 graphics would never score above an 8 after Crysis.


Ok, then here's my question:

If you're a reviewer and you're not really impressed with the graphics because you have seen better, do you give the game a high score in graphics anyways because of the system it's on? I don't think you should do that. It would be like giving the PS3's motion controls a high score just because they're ok for a PS3 game, though you know what motion controls can really do after playing the Wii's resident evil.

Yes, of course you do.  Folklore was praised for the best use of motion controls on the PS3 even though all it was was randomly jerking the controller around, something that's mediocre compared to the Wii's uses of motion controls.

You rate games for the system they are on, not for the system they aren't. Are we going to start counting off on DS games for not being 1080p?  

If we go down this path:  No 360 or PS3 game should ever be given good gameplay scores in an FPS because they aren't mouse and keyboard.  No PS3 or 360 game should ever score above an 8 in graphics because they can't match modern PC games.  No handheld game should score high on ANYTHING because they aren't matching PC games.