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TWRoO said:

Has no one noticed what they said in the first two lines?

"Super Smash Bros. Melee remains – easily -- GameCube's best-selling title."

 In a sense they were possibly right even though new game sales might say otherwise and what I mean is DD was one of the most traded in GC games Gamestop gets while Smash Bros was heavily in demand(used) and fairly tough to find because any time it was traded in it never lasted long on the shelf of Gamestop/EB games so when we looked up the game on the computers for people most stores never had it ....though thought it was funny when one day out of the whole company only the store in Puerto Rico had a copy and here I was in Utah.

Stores seemed to always have a few copies of DD and they sold well used.

One of our last shipments of new GC games was Smash Bros in early 2007.

Also remember Smash bros almost always leading the list of best selling GC game in Mags.