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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread! *Greatest Games Event 2014* (The Top 500 Games Will Now Be Chosen)

45. Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
GameBoy Advance (2001)

Funny story: So when I originally picked the game up back in 2001, I quickly opened it in the car to immediately begin playing... only to find that instead of the game cartridge, there were two packets of Taco Bell hot sauce (game was "brand new" and shrink wrapped). So the game was quickly replaced with an actual cartridge and things went along their merry way. But on a serious note, Castlevania: Circle of the Moon is an important game for me. It was me taking a chance on a game and franchise I wasn't familiar with, and it paid off big time. This gothic action-horror franchise took my imagination to new heights with incredible atmosphere, amazing music, beautiful sprite graphics, a plethora of gruesome monsters to battle, and always-satisfying fast paced action gameplay. I've been hooked ever since, and have become a huge fan of Koji Igarashi's Castlevania titles, playing each and every one (Despite the fact that Koji wasn't part of this game's development). Unfortunately, the franchise is moving on from Iga, but I'll forever be grateful for all those wonderful games.

Around the Network
mZuzek said:
Wright said:
mZuzek said:

Way, way bigger than that.

Wii Sports Resort?

Getting closer.

Wii Fit Plus?

lord_of_flood said:
Player2 said:



#45 - Muramasa: The Demon Blade: A gorgeous 2D action game set in the Edo period in Japan, this game is one of the most visually appealing games (if not the most visually appealing game) to ever grace a standard definition console. The action is also super tight, and the enemies are a lot of fun to fight. Switching swords mid-battle is also really cool, as they all offer different attacking styles and specials to the mix. One of the Wii games I always try to recommend to others.

Hint for #44: This RPG uses a really neat dual battling system: one plane uses touch controls, and the other uses traditional buttons. One of the bosses you fight in this game constantly makes calculations and math jokes to the point of obsession.

NNID: TheCCluc

Hint for #44:

Despite coming out at the end of this booming genre's life, many consider this game to be the best of them all. Raise your goblet and salute!

I can't be the only one that knows about this, it's a well known game:

Game #44

The theme-music of this game actually appeared to be the unofficial National Anthem of a certain country at some point in time. Due to it's controversy, this song was and still is banned under criminal law in that country.

Around the Network
lord_of_flood said:

Hint for #44: This RPG uses a really neat dual battling system: one plane uses touch controls, and the other uses traditional buttons. One of the bosses you fight in this game constantly makes calculations and math jokes to the point of obsession.

The World Ends With You.

Ka-pi96 said:

The Last of Us?

Action Adventure games are still with us.

This genre is all but dead.

You press colors to win.

Whatsup dudes! Clues for 48,47,46, and 45

48 - This is my favorite XBL title released last gen. It was a sequel. Had a new sequel released earlier this year that was the first entry in the series on PS4.

47 - Sometimes overlooked arcade fighting game that follows the vein of Street Fighter, and was praised for it's high recovery time and great difference from swift all the way up to ultra strong attacks. Animations and swordplay were considered ahead of their time.  Spawned 6 sequels and has been released on most platofrms since its early 90s debut.

46 - Even better sequel to the (formerly) best co-op puzzle game ever made.

45 - Only Vita game on my top 50. Probably the best text delivered story ever in a portable action adventure game. Highly anticipated sequel is being made.

Wright said:
lord_of_flood said:


Hint for #44: This RPG uses a really neat dual battling system: one plane uses touch controls, and the other uses traditional buttons. One of the bosses you fight in this game constantly makes calculations and math jokes to the point of obsession.

The World Ends With You.

Correct! That was probably the quickest anyone's guessed one of my games so far. I need to work on my hints.

NNID: TheCCluc

mZuzek said:

Aw, guys, come on. I envy the ones here that keep getting their games quickly guessed over and over. Let's try this again. Look.
#45 - Second installment of one of the biggest gaming fads of the last 10 years. It was huge, but nowhere near as big as Wii Sports kind of big, obviously. In fact, this game was not available on Nintendo platforms.

I'm waiting.

Dead Island: Riptide?