Whatsup dudes! Clues for 48,47,46, and 45
48 - This is my favorite XBL title released last gen. It was a sequel. Had a new sequel released earlier this year that was the first entry in the series on PS4.
47 - Sometimes overlooked arcade fighting game that follows the vein of Street Fighter, and was praised for it's high recovery time and great difference from swift all the way up to ultra strong attacks. Animations and swordplay were considered ahead of their time. Spawned 6 sequels and has been released on most platofrms since its early 90s debut.
46 - Even better sequel to the (formerly) best co-op puzzle game ever made.
45 - Only Vita game on my top 50. Probably the best text delivered story ever in a portable action adventure game. Highly anticipated sequel is being made.