#45 - Aladdin (Capcom, 1993) - SNES

The movie is one of my favorite Disney films, and I also consider the game in high regard. It's short - incredibly short, actually, you can beat it in one hour TOPS - but to me, that adds to the greatness of the game. It's short, but oh-so-sweet (the fact the game is easy helps too). The soundtrack immediately triggers countless memories, particularly the Agrabah levels and Genie levels themes. Plus, as you can see in the screen, there's a parachute. A PARACHUTE! This blew my mind back then, because how many games have parachutes, especially at the time? Off the top of my head, I can think of MDK, which I also played back in the day (it's not on my list though. Spoilers. oops). The SNES version is completely different from the Genesis version which, to be honest, sucks. But for some reason, people think this version is poor and the Genesis version is great... humanity is lost.
Also, this game is virtually tied with #44, I hold them both in high regard, thank to mostly nostalgia, admittedly. Speaking of which...
#44: It's the third game on the series - but it's also the first game on the series.