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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread! *Greatest Games Event 2014* (The Top 500 Games Will Now Be Chosen)

Wright said:
S.Peelman said:

Call of Duty & United Offensive Expansion

Is this the Call of Duty game where the tutorial is played by the Russian, you throw potatoes instead of grenades and he yells at the nazis when using the fixed automatic gun remembering his dead family?

Lol. No that's Call of Duty 2, though this one has a similar 'army-training' like tutorial. This one (the main game at least) starts out being an American .

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Wright said:
S.Peelman said:
Game #18

This game's major feature, which also conveniently allowed the game to handle it's system's shortcomings, was proto-typed in another game that appeared earlier on the same system. There, it was used mainly in, but not exclusive to, one particular level.

Silent Hill?

Not Silent Hill, it's nowhere near as scary .

artur-fernand said:

Nope. This series' timeline is actually set in stone, there's no debate over it.

The hint was kinda cryptic huh? Well, the game I'm talking about actually involves a little bit of time travel.

God of War 2?

I was thinking about the Metal Gear series at first.

S.Peelman said:

Lol. No that's Call of Duty 2, though this one has a similar 'army-training' like tutorial. This one (the main game at least) starts out being an American .

Speaking of which, I've really enjoyed CoD2, thought was really fun. Would you say it's worth going back to the first one?

episteme said:
artur-fernand said:

Nope. This series' timeline is actually set in stone, there's no debate over it.

The hint was kinda cryptic huh? Well, the game I'm talking about actually involves a little bit of time travel.

God of War 2?

I was thinking about the Metal Gear series at first.

You got it =D

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artur-fernand said:
S.Peelman said:

Lol. No that's Call of Duty 2, though this one has a similar 'army-training' like tutorial. This one (the main game at least) starts out being an American .

Speaking of which, I've really enjoyed CoD2, thought was really fun. Would you say it's worth going back to the first one?

Call of Duty and Call of Duty 2 are very similar. In fact the biggest difference I can think of, is that CoD 2 introduced the now modern health system where you'll heal if not shot upon for some time, while the original game still has a health-bar. The first game might feel a bit dated though as far as graphics go, where the second held up fine.

I'd still say they're both of about the same quality because the gameplay is so similar, and if you liked the second game you'll like the first. For me it's actually been a toss-up every year when I review my list whether to include the first or the second. Every time I chose the first, simply because I've played it more, and more of it got stuck in my mind.

#20 - A RPG sequel that might look a bit thin with its content. A very old door.

#18 - A god game AND a platformer

KLXVER said:
#20 - A RPG sequel that might look a bit thin with its content. A very old door.

#18 - A god game AND a platformer

#20 is The Thousand-Year Door?

Metroid Prime

guessed by artur-fernand

After Super Metroid debuted in 1994, fans waited for the next installment of the franchise. And waited. And waited. The N64 came and went. And still they waited. Finally, in 2002, fans got what they wanted: not one, but two new Metroid games. One for Nintendo's newest handheld, the Game Boy Advance, and one for its newest console, the Gamecube. But wait a minute. The Gamecube title, Metroid Prime, wasn't developed exclusively by Nintendo, nor was it a third-person action-adventure game. It actually looked more like a first-person shooter. When Metroid Prime was showcased by Nintendo at E3 2001, the reaction from fans and critics was mixed at best. Thankfully, Nintendo and Retro Studios (the new kid on the block) stayed the course, and released a game that somehow, miraculously, managed to transition Metroid from 2D to 3D and third-person to first-person all at once. The result is one of the best games of the sixth generation, and the start of a brilliant trilogy that would continue on GameCube and Wii.

artur-fernand said:
KLXVER said:
#20 - A RPG sequel that might look a bit thin with its content. A very old door.

#18 - A god game AND a platformer

#20 is The Thousand-Year Door?

It is