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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread! *Greatest Games Event 2014* (The Top 500 Games Will Now Be Chosen)

#30 was Battle for Middle Earth II.

#29. A character from this game kept on reappearing in almost every future installment in this series.

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THE game that made me buy a PS3 in 2007 at $600. Not many think of this series as a system seller but for me it was.

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers

platformmaster918 said:
THE game that made me buy a PS3 in 2007 at $600. Not many think of this series as a system seller but for me it was.

Heavenly Sword?


The art style is fantastic, the characters are likeable, the Pokemon-esque monster management is fun and the rest of the combat is pretty decent as well.  Really hope a sequel is in the works, it sold reasonably well.

#30 hint:

It's a Devil May Cry game, and not the third one

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celador said:
#30 hint:

It's a Devil May Cry game, and not the third one

Devil May Cry

Signature goes here!

celador said:
#30 hint:

It's a Devil May Cry game, and not the third one

The original one?

Game #29

This game takes you throughout history with a comedic twist.

mZuzek said:
axumblade said:
Missed a few days on this...

34. Fighting game that uses a controller that I'm not particularly fond of. 

Super Smash Bros.?

Reposting my #30 (I knew posting it at the end of a page right before my triple post wasn't a good idea): it's the second game in a franchise starring a character whose only good showings recently have been fighting his once rival (I guess I made it a bit too obvious now).

Sonic the Hedgehog 2

Signature goes here!

Not the original one. And not the most recent one by Ninja Theory