Hint for #32
We're four games in and NOW we're learning the story?
Hint for #32
We're four games in and NOW we're learning the story?
Mr_No said: The third next-gen entry (if you count the $14.99 game that precedes it) for this underrated platformer, which ended on a good ol' good ending. Second hint for the #32: main character dies near the climax of the game... but revives. |
Hum... sounds like A Crack in Time (since I sadly received a spoiler for this game some time ago =P)
Leadified said: Hint for #32 We're four games in and NOW we're learning the story? |
Mega Man 4? =P
And my #33 hint, to see if someone gets it before I post it: this game was developed by a defunct studio. But the same people would later form a still active studio. One who would later make exclusive titles for eight gen consoles.
artur-fernand said:
You are correct! It is A Crack in TIme.
artur-fernand said:
And my #33 hint, to see if someone gets it before I post it: this game was developed by a defunct studio. But the same people would later form a still active studio. One who would later make exclusive titles for eight gen consoles. |
Haha yeah.
Leadified said:
Really? Well...alright then!
#33 - Mega Man X
Despite the name, no it is not Mega Man 10, Mega Man X acutally came out before Mega Man 6 on the NES and you can see some slight design references in 6 to X. Anyways Mega Man X was the first game in the series to move up to 16 bit and anybody who watched egoraptor's video knows that quite a bit has been changed. X can now charge up his weapons, upgrade his armour, has a dash (and dash jump), wall jump, break blocks with his head and can charge up his Mavrick weapons. The core gameplay is still the same, you fight 8 bosses before moving onto the castle of the final boss. Mega Man X's level design is more open ended, the game encourages you to explore (especially since you start with low health) and find powerups. The bosses AI are a bit more complex this time around compared to the NES games and the levels will change depending what bosses you have defeated first and using certain weapons on bosses has certain effects. The levels are also designed more with the walljump in mind, allowing the game to build levels around angles previously not possible. Like all Capcom games at the time, the music and graphics are great. Mega Man X is an absolute must play for action-platforming fans.
Conegamer said:
Really? Well...alright then! |
Yeah, I won't disappoint with the next one though!
#33: Okami (Clover Studio, 2006) - PS2 (also available on Wii and PS3)
I got this game because everybody kept talking about it. And it looked SO GORGEOUS, so I gave it a try. Now, I still haven't played most of the Zelda games, but I find it hard to believe that ANY of those are gonna surpass Okami for me. The beginning is slow - so slow that many people drop the game and don't see anything special. But persevere and you'll find an AMAZING game. Interesting plot, EXCELLENT soundtrack, fun bosses and exploration, PHENOMENAL artstyle/graphics. I'm yet to buy the HD remaster though, I can't even imagine how beautiful this game is in high-definition. Speaking of which, Okami 2 goddammit. Someone has to make it happen, for God's sake. Fuck Okamiden, I want a sequel running in glorious 1080p on eighth gen consoles.
Anyway, the best Zelda game was actually a PS2 exclusive