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Forums - Sales Discussion - Will AC Unity on X1 outsell the PS4 version?

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Which will sell more?

AC Unity on X1 12 5.50%
AC Unity on PS4 192 88.07%
Pretty much a tie 7 3.21%
see results 7 3.21%

Ummm... NO.

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In U.S., winner will be by a small amount.
WW, PS4.


Gaming on: PS4 Pro, Switch, SNES Mini, Wii U, PC (i5-7400, GTX 1060)

Gonna sell alot more no question

Conidering that COD AW will sell more on PS4... i think that PS4 version will sell double on PS4.

fleischr said:

Over the last year, ACIV: Black Flag on PS4 outsold the X1 version by about a 2:1 margin. I think a lot of that had to do with the PS4 version looking slightly better. 

However this year, like it or not, there's parity between the X1 and PS4 versions of AC: Unity.

Not only that, but the AC Unity Bundle for X1 is pretty aggressively priced and marketed. 

However, PS4 does have the advantage in already having a much larger userbase. And during the time PS4 wrapped up an early lead with ACIV during the holiday launch, PS4 and X1 were more competitive than in prior months summer doldrums.

What version do you think will sell best? I for one get the sense AC Unity on X1 will outsell the PS4 one this year.

You really think the Xbox One version will outsell the PS4 version worldwide? Really?

Maybe if the Assassin's Creed Bundle sell's over one million there's a chance, lol.

This is the Game of Thrones

Where you either win

or you DIE

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With the cat out of the bag that the game has horrid framerate and pop-in issues, I would hope it outsells the PS4 version. Only because it's bundled for free with XBone and should, otherwise, be avoided (for the time being) from standalone purchase on either console

2:1 ratio of install bases