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Forums - Sony Discussion - How much have sold PS4 in Europe?


How much have sold PS4 in Europe?

4m or less 10 7.46%
5m 36 26.87%
6m 40 29.85%
7m 16 11.94%
8m or more 32 23.88%
tak13 said:
drake_tolu said:

We all know that VGChartz underestimate the PS4 sales in Europe... according to VGChartz, PS4 have sold by 25 October 2014 4,757,162...

Now, my question is, by 25 October 2014, how much have sold PS4 in Europe?

No draky...if there is an overtracking,it comes completely from ROW...!VGC tracking ps4 pretty well in Germany,France and Uk!it was on spot back when 1m uk (as of 29th August)announced and 540k in  Germany(as of 30th  july) which had been confirmed,as for France i don t rember the numbers lol:P  

According to VGC PS4 have sold 720K in France and 750K in Germany...

The France is more important than Germany, so, i doubt that PS4 have sold in France less than in Germany... so, for me is undertracked. :D

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tak13 said:
prinz_valium said:
8m or more ofc. ps4 is at 15m+ sold through right now

...firstly you had a low prediction,now you say that ps4 is at 15+M sold!looool come on bro this is hyberbole:Psony shipped 2.5 in four weeks??....:P

i made a joke on the poll

Ka-pi96 said:
drake_tolu said:

According to VGC PS4 have sold 720K in France and 750K in Germany...

The France is more important than Germany, so, i doubt that PS4 have sold in France less than in Germany... so, for me is undertracked. :D

Actually... Germany is a bigger market than France.

Overall revenue: Germany #4    France #7

Number of TV/Console gamers: Germany 22.7m    France 21.3m

totally Germany is more important, but in console market: UK>France>Germany

Even according to VGChartz.

I'd say the PS4 is pretty under tracked right now. Its probably well into the 13 millions by now. Maybe 6-7 million in Europe?

probably 6 million right now
I expect it to hit 1 million in france and germany when gta V bundle comes rolling in


(Won)Bet with TechoHobbit: He(Techno) says 10 million by January 1,2014 I say 9 million by then. Winner gets 2 weeks of sig control.

(Lost)Bet with kinisking: I say Ps4 will win April NPD while he says Xbox One will win it; winner gets 1 week of avatar control.

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Somewhere between 6 and 7 mil. Me thinks

OfficerRaichu15 said:
probably 6 million right now
I expect it to hit 1 million in france and germany when gta V bundle comes rolling in

Sony announced today, that 1 million PS4s in Germany were reached October 21st, so within 11 months.



As of latest chart I guess the PS4 is undertracked by 500k in UK, France and Germany. And another 500k in all the other European countries together.

So that means 5.7 million. However with LBP3 and GTA V bundles I guess it is around 6 million by now.

WW at the end of this week around 15 million.

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approaching 10 million.

Conina said:

Sony announced today, that 1 million PS4s in Germany were reached October 21st, so within 11 months.


English: asked if that number was sold to retailers (shipped) or sold to customers (sold through), Sony says, it's sold through to customers.

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