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Forums - Sales Discussion - Did Bayonetta 2 do well? (Updated with EU numbers)


How much will Bayonetta 2 sell LT?

Less than 500k! 116 17.85%
500k+ 99 15.23%
600k+ 59 9.08%
700k+ 60 9.23%
800k+ 57 8.77%
900k+ 37 5.69%
More than 1 million! 220 33.85%
Jumpin said:
askel50 said:
bunchanumbers said:
I may not know all the technicalities of the game, but it was made by a 3rd party developer. I guess it would be a second party game made by a 3rd party developer? Either way its still a good game, and that's all that matters.

Nintendo doesn't own the IP, it's not 2nd party. It's a founded/published 3rd party game with some exclusivity deal.

It's not just an exclusive deal, it was produced and published by Nintendo. It's effectively a Nintendo game.

Nintendo doesn't own the game more than microsoft own the first mass effect (or ryse or sunset). They just funded and published it. They didn't but the IP.

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At the time of games release

Wii U install base about 7 million, 360 + PS3 install base about 70 million

Rab said:

At the time of games release

Wii U install base about 7 million, 360 + PS3 install base about 70 million

Userbase can have an impact on legs, but it doesn't impact FW sales. Bayonetta's audience is smaller than the Wii U's install base.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

It did ok, but Im afraid it wont have the legs of some Nintendo titles. I really hope digital sales are high. This game and the developers deserves a hit imo.

askel50 said:

Nintendo doesn't own the game more than microsoft own the first mass effect (or ryse or sunset). They just funded and published it. They didn't but the IP.

They do, actually.

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Vena said:
askel50 said:

Nintendo doesn't own the game more than microsoft own the first mass effect (or ryse or sunset). They just funded and published it. They didn't but the IP.

They do, actually.

Actually, I don't think they own the game, per se.  Rather, assuming publishing with games works as it does in other areas, they own all distribution and publication rights to the game.  That's how author's do it:  you sell portions of your rights, be it First North American Rights, Second North American Rights, Serial Rights, etc.  They could have just acquired all of that as a part of the deal for funding the game.

Nuvendil said:

Actually, I don't think they own the game, per se.  Rather, assuming publishing with games works as it does in other areas, they own all distribution and publication rights to the game.  That's how author's do it:  you sell portions of your rights, be it First North American Rights, Second North American Rights, Serial Rights, etc.  They could have just acquired all of that as a part of the deal for funding the game.

They funded the actual game's development, not just published it. They own all that you listed and the game code.

Don't forget that bayonetta 2 came with the first one included so it's not very impressive when you think they have to recoup the budget of 2 games.

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

Maybe if Bayonetta 2 featured some soccer it would've sold better in Eurabia

With regards to digital sales, Reggie recently stated that about 10% of Bayo 2's sales were digital. So if we've got 197K retail in it's first week, 10% of that is 19.7K, so total so far is around 216.7K. Did I do that right?